CIS-255 Home

Class Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design

  1. C++ and OO design
  2. Problems to solve
  3. Structured programming
  4. Encapsulation
  5. Inheritance
  6. Encapsulation + inheritance + polymorphism
  7. Run-time polymorphism vs. parametric polymorphism
  8. Inheritance Goals
  9. What is inheritance?
  10. Inheritance example
  11. Inheritance interactions
  12. protected class members
  13. Constructing a derived class
  14. Constructing a derived class example
  15. Access levels for inheritance
  16. Inheritance and friendship
  17. Inheritance vs. encapsulation
  18. Inheritance vs. templates
  19. Things to watch out for
  20. Implicit conversion, upcast
  21. More things to watch out for
  22. Ways to use inheritance
  23. Inheritance of mix-ins
  24. More on Inheritance and Polymorphism
  25. The basic idea: redirecting calls
  26. Virtual functions
  27. Possible alternative: Faking it
  28. Using virtual functions
  29. Pure virtual functions
  30. Under the covers
  31. Virtual destructors
  32. Two forms of inheritance
  33. Pure interfaces
  34. C++ way of conversions between types
  35. Safer casting with static_cast
  36. Safer casting with dynamic_cast
  37. Unrelated types conversion: reinterpret_cast
  38. const cast away: const_cast
  39. Mistakes and pain caused by careless overriding of virtual and non-virtual functions
  40. Inheritance advice

1. C++ and OO design

2. Problems to solve

    void print( Printer* pr )
        if ( pr->type == 'L' ) {
            // ...
        } else if ( pr->type == 'I' ) {
            // ...
        } else if ( pr->type == 'F' ) {
            // ...
  1. Print function becomes very complex over time.

  2. Multiple flag variables introduced to control the if-else logic.

  3. Only experienced veteran programmers understand how it works.

  4. New programmers become frustrated when assigned to make changes in print( )

  5. . . .

  • Solutions?

    • C++ OO design.

3. Structured programming

  • Create functions for each individual case:

    void print_Lazer( Printer* pr /*etc.*/ );
    void print_InkjetPrinter( Printer* pr /*etc.*/ );
    void print_FaxMachine( Printer* pr /*etc.*/ );
    void print( Printer* pr )
        if ( pr->type == 'L' ) {
            print_Lazer( Printer* pr /*etc.*/ );
        } else if ( pr->type == 'I' ) {
            print_InkjetPrinter( Printer* pr /*etc.*/ );
        } else if ( pr->type == 'F' ) {
            print_FaxMachine( Printer* pr /*etc.*/ );
  • Problems yet to be solved:

    • if-else still remains a complexity!

    • boolean flag variables still haunt programmers!

    • functions still have too many input parameters!

4. Encapsulation

  • Create classes for each printer type:

    class LazerPrinter { /*etc.*/ };
    class InkjetPrinter { /*etc.*/ };
    class FaxMachine { /*etc.*/ };
    void print( Printer* pr )
        if ( pr->type == 'L' ) {
            LazerPrinter.print( /*params*/ );
        } else if ( pr->type == 'I' ) {
            InkjetPrinter.print( /*params*/ );
        } else if ( pr->type == 'F' ) {
            FaxMachine.print( /*params*/ );
  • Better!


    • if-else continues to control the logic in the original print( ) function and that adds to the complexity of the implementation.

5. Inheritance

  • Consider class hierarchy:

      class hierarchy.quit

  • Finally:

    class Printer;
    class LazerPrinter;
    class InkjetPrinter;
    class FaxMachine;
    void print( Printer* pr )
        pr->print( /*params*/ );

6. Encapsulation + inheritance + polymorphism

7. Run-time polymorphism vs. parametric polymorphism

  • C++ also supports parametric polymorphism, also known as compile-time polymorphism:

    • Unlimited number of polymorphic behaviors

    • Programmer creates a template

    • Compiler determines concrete implementation at compile-time.

  • For example,

    template< typename ValueT >
    void swap( ValueT& one, ValueT& another )
        ValueT temp = one;
        one = another;
        another = temp;
    #include <cassert>
    int main()
        double dbl1 = 0.1;
        double dbl2 = 0.2;
        swap( dbl1, dbl2 ); // swap two doubles
        assert( dbl1 == 0.2 && dbl2 == 0.1 );
        int int1 = 1;
        int int2 = 2;
        swap( int1, int2 ); // swap two integers
        assert( int1 == 2 && int2 == 1 );
        return 0;

8. Inheritance Goals

9. What is inheritance?

10. Inheritance example

  • Base class:

    class Account {
        bool sell( string symbol, int shares );
        bool buy( string symbol, int shares );
        bool deposit( double amount );
        bool withdraw( double amount );
        double m_cash_balance;
        static const int SIZE = 100;
        string m_holding_symbols[ SIZE ];
        int m_holding_shares[ SIZE ];
    };//class Account
  • Derived class:

    class GoldAccount : public Account {
        virtual ~GoldAccount();
        bool credit_interest();
        int m_margin_balance;
        std::string m_person_name;
    };// class GoldAccount

11. Inheritance interactions

12. protected class members

13. Constructing a derived class

14. Constructing a derived class example

15. Access levels for inheritance

    class Derived : public Base
        // same as
        struct Derived : Base
  • Most common: all public members of Base are also public in Derived, so they can be used by everyone.

    class Derived : private Base
        // same as
        class Derived : Base
  • All public and protected members of Base become private within Derived, so they can be used only by members of Derived.

    class Derived : protected Base
  • All public and protected members of Base become protected within Derived, so they can only be used by members of Derived and members of classes derived from Derived.

  • All non-public inheritance is a suspect - have a good reason before doing it.

16. Inheritance and friendship

17. Inheritance vs. encapsulation

  • There are two ways to be a client of an existing class A:

    • Have a member of type A

    • Inherit from type A

  • Inheritance automatically provides interface of Base class.

  • Encapsulation allows restricting the interface, but requires republication of needed parts.

  • Usually, it's pretty obvious which is correct.

  • Class libraries often rely on inheritance (recall Printer example.)

  • This is known as Is-a vs. Has-a:

      class Employee (Base)
               | |
               | +--has-a--> int Salary;
               | `--has-a--> string Name;
      class Manager (Derived) : (is-a) public Employee
                 `--has-a--> Employee subordinates[ 10 ];

18. Inheritance vs. templates

19. Things to watch out for

20. Implicit conversion, upcast

21. More things to watch out for

22. Ways to use inheritance

23. Inheritance of mix-ins

    #include <string>
    class ErrorKeeper : private std::string {
        std::string get_error() const
        { return *this; }
        void reset_error()
        { erase(); }
        void set_error( const char* err )
        { std::string::operator=( err ); }
        void set_error( std::string const& err )
        { std::string::operator=( err ); }
    };//class ErrorKeeper
    class Worker : public ErrorKeeper {
        void run() {
            // ...
            set_error( "everything ok" );
    };//class Worker
    #include <cassert>
    int main()
        Worker main_thread;;
            main_thread.get_error() == "everything ok"
        return 0;

24. More on Inheritance and Polymorphism

25. The basic idea: redirecting calls

26. Virtual functions

    // Shapes.h
    class Shape {
        virtual void draw();
    class Circle : public Shape {
        Circle( int radius );
        virtual void draw();
    class Square : public Shape {
        Square( int side );
        virtual void draw();
    #include "Shapes.h"
    void push_shape( Shape* ps, int& cnt, Shape* shapes[] );
    int main()
        // Array of pointers to shapes:
        Shape* shapes[ 100 ] = { 0 };
        int shape_cnt = 0;
        push_shape( new Circle(10), shape_cnt, shapes );
        push_shape( new Square(5), shape_cnt, shapes );
        for ( int idx = 0; idx < shape_cnt; ++idx ) {
            // Call virtual function:
            shapes[ idx ]->draw();
    void push_shape( Shape* ps, int& cnt, Shape* shapes[] )
        shapes[ cnt++ ] = ps;

27. Possible alternative: Faking it

    class Shape {
        enum EnumType {
            Circle, Square
        Shape( EnumType type );
        void draw();
        EnumType m_shape_type;
    };//class Shape
    void Shape::draw()
        switch ( m_shape_type ) {
        case Circle:
            //draw a circle...
        case Square:
            //draw a square...
  • So why not fake it?

    1. Can't extend hierarchy without disturbing the base class.

      • This makes maintenance difficult.

    2. All functionality is in one type, so specific functionality has no home:

      • e.g. where do we put the radius( ) function?

    3. Faking is almost guaranteed to be slower!

28. Using virtual functions

29. Pure virtual functions

30. Under the covers

31. Virtual destructors

32. Two forms of inheritance

33. Pure interfaces

34. C++ way of conversions between types

35. Safer casting with static_cast

36. Safer casting with dynamic_cast

37. Unrelated types conversion: reinterpret_cast

38. const cast away: const_cast

39. Mistakes and pain caused by careless overriding of virtual and non-virtual functions

    #include <iostream>
    class Base {
        virtual void vf() const
            std::cout << "Base::vf\n";
        void f() const
            std::cout << "Base::f\n";
    };//class Base
    class Derived : public Base {
        // Attempt to "override" virtual:
        virtual void vf()
            std::cout << "Derived::vf\n";
        // Override non-virtual:
        void f() const
            std::cout << "Derived::f\n";
    };//class Derived
  • Functions in derived classes override virtual functions in base classes only if their type is the same .

  • Redefinition of non-virtual functions may also cause confusion,
    especially in a mix-in of virtual and non-virtual functions in one interface.

    int main()
        Derived d;
        Derived* dp = &d;
        Base* bp = &d;
        dp->vf(); // expected Derived::vf
        dp->f();  // expected Derived::f
        bp->vf(); // expected Derived::vf (it's virtual!)
        bp->f();  // expected Derived::f (confusing for virtual)
        return 0;
    /*Program output:

40. Inheritance advice