CIS-255 Home

Object-oriented design patterns

  1. Object-oriented design
  2. Goals of object-oriented design
  3. Kinds of coupling
  4. Keeping coupling loose
  5. OO design patterns
  6. Patterns you've already seen
  7. Creation patterns
  8. Pattern One: Singleton
  9. Implementing singletons
  10. Extending Singleton
  11. Extended singleton code
  12. Disabling copy operations
  13. Disabling copy solution
  14. Disabling copy example
  15. Pattern Two: Prototype
  16. Implementing prototypes
  17. Covariant virtual functions
  18. Pattern Three: Adapter
  19. Implementing adapters
  20. Abstract adapter
  21. Pattern Four: Memento
  22. Implementing mementos

1. Object-oriented design

2. Goals of object-oriented design

  1. Maintainability

  2. Extensibility

  3. Reuse


3. Kinds of coupling

4. Keeping coupling loose

5. OO design patterns

6. Patterns you've already seen

7. Creation patterns

8. Pattern One: Singleton

9. Implementing singletons

    class Singleton {
        static Singleton* get_singleton();
        static Singleton* m_ptr;
    };// class Singleton
    Singleton* Singleton::m_ptr = NULL;
    Singleton* Singleton::get_singleton()
        if ( m_ptr == NULL )
            m_ptr = new Singleton;
        return m_ptr;
  • Singleton details:

    • Constructor is protected to prevent multiple instances.

    • Lazy creation avoids two problems with initialization:

      1. Unknown order of get_singleton( ) calls

      2. Might need some run-time information for proper initialization.

  • What if we also need to control deallocation?

10. Extending Singleton

11. Extended singleton code

    class Singleton {
        static Singleton* get_singleton();
        static void register_instance( string name, Singleton* ptr );
        static Singleton* m_ptr;
        static map< string, Singleton* > m_registry;
    };//class Singleton
    Singleton* Singleton::m_ptr = NULL;
    Singleton* Singleton::get_singleton()
        if ( m_ptr == NULL ) {
            string name = getenv( "SINGLETON" );
            m_ptr = m_registry[ name ];
        return m_ptr;
    void Singleton::register_instance( string name, Singleton* ptr )
        m_registry[name] = ptr;
  • Subclasses must register themselves with the base class.

  • Might do this using constructor for new class together with single static object.

  • This does introduce possible startup sequence problems if using multiple compilation units.

  • To avoid this, one needs an explicit switch in get_singleton( ), but still no new client code.

12. Disabling copy operations

13. Disabling copy solution

14. Disabling copy example

15. Pattern Two: Prototype

16. Implementing prototypes

    class AbstractItem {
        virtual AbstractItem* clone() = 0;
    };//class AbstractItem
    class RealItemA : public AbstractItem
        virtual AbstractItem* clone();
    };//class RealItemA
    class RealItemB : public AbstractItem
        virtual AbstractItem* clone();
    };//class RealItemB
  • Prototype details:

    • Provides mechanism for virtual construction.

    • Instantiation of prototypes is deferred:

      • new prototypes can be instantiated dynamically at runtime

      • it is possible to delete existing prototypes.

  • We might also consider maintaining a registry of prototypes:

        std::map< std::string, AbstractItem* > item_registry;

17. Covariant virtual functions

18. Pattern Three: Adapter

19. Implementing adapters

20. Abstract adapter

21. Pattern Four: Memento

22. Implementing mementos

    class Memento {
        virtual ~Memento();
        friend class Item;
    };//class Memento
    class Item {
        Memento* create_memento();
        void restore_memento( Memento* );
    };//class Item
  • class Item is the originator with some internal states.

  • The user of Item::create_memento( ) and Item::restore_memento( ) is commonly referred to as a caretaker.

  • We usually want Memento objects be created only by Item::create_memento( ).

  • We might also want to allow incremental restoration via a stack of Mementos.

  • It is possible to implement Memento file I/O (or database) interface to add persistence of states.