Bristol Community College

Computer Information Systems Department

CIS-75 Home

CIS-75 Software Specification & Design Course Policies

Requirements For A Passing Grade In This Course

Course Organization


A two-hour Midterm exam will be given at the end of Week 8. Another two-hour Endterm exam will be given at the end of the course. Exam dates and materials will be posted on the exam date. The exams will be graded using the traditional percentage system (0 - 100).

Grading Criteria

Weights for Final Grade Determination:

Labs/Attendance 10%
Project 40%
Exams 50%

Final Grades will be assigned as follows:

97 - 100 A+
94 - 96 A
90 - 93 A-
87 - 89 B+
84 - 86 B
80 - 83 B-
77 - 79 C+
74 - 76 C
70 - 73 C-
60 - 69 D
Below 60 F


Teaching Methodology

The lecture will be the principal teaching method used in this course. "Handouts" and sample programs will be available on the class web page. Class discussions will be conducted pertaining to the lab exercises. Software demos and overhead slides will be used.


The instructor reserves the right to withdraw you from the class after three (3) absences. If you choose to withdraw from the class it is your responsibility to withdraw formally from the class prior to the final withdrawal date. Failure to do so will result in an "F" grade for the course.

Office Hours

Instructors office hours will be posted on the class web page.

Extra Help

If you need some serious help with the semester-long project assignment or if you need some one-on-one tutoring help to get caught up with the class, you can make an appointment with the instructor. Appointments can be arranged via e-mail or during class breaks. Half hour time slots are available for that purpose. Simple questions or assistance can be obtained through instructor's e-mail.


Plagiarism is not tolerated. Students are expected to take this course to learn, and you cannot learn unless you do the required homework assignments and turn in your own work for credit. Students who violate this rule may receive a penalty of the next lower letter grade or "F" grade for the course.