CIT11 Homework #11 – Chapters 8 & 11

  1. Convert  the following Hexadecimal (hex) values to their binary equivalents
    1. CAD
    2. F2A4


  1. Convert the following from binary to Hex
    1. 1100 0011 0011 1111 0011
    2. 1010 0010 1101 0101


  1. Display the month and day of your birth date in ASCII 
    1. Write your birthday in decimal form -  i.e, November 10th would be 11-10
    2. What is the ASCII value of your birthday?  -- This must be in ASCII format – i.e., 0011001 0011001 00101101 0011001 0011000 is what you’d write if your birthday is 11-10.  (include punctuation). 


  1. Using the NATO alphabet to decode the following message:
    1. Sierra Echo November Delta   Hotel Echo Lima Papa


  1. Convert the following from Binary to Decimal
    1. 11000100
    2. 100010000


  1. Convert the following from Decimal to Binary
    1. 202
    2. 113


  1. Do the following binary math problems:








+ 1010










  1. Convert the following decimal RGB color expressions to their respective Hex values. 
    1. Orangered  rgb(255,36,0)
    2. Khaki  rgb(240,230,140)


  1. Using the Hex value for Khaki, write the html code that could be used to set the font color to Khaki. 


  1. Pick two of the below topics from chapter 11.  Perform some web searches to find sites that do a good job of explaining the topic; the sites you pick must  provide a simplified explanation of the topic  (assume you’re trying to teach the topic to someone and they’re having a hard time understanding it--- this site should help that person). 


For each topic you must:

    1. Identify the topic you picked
    2. Provide the url(s) to the site(s) that you used
    3. Provide a brief and concise summary of what you learned.  


·        MP3 Compression

·        Analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog converters

·        JPEG Compression

·        MPEG Compression

·        OCR Technology

·        Virtual Reality


  1.  Post one of your summaries from problem 10 to the class discussion board under “Topics from Chapter 11”.    Include the url to the site you used as part of your posting.  Read the other postings and comment on at least one posting by replying to the posting.