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Read Chapter 2 in Fluency with Information Technology.
This chapter deals heavily with common features in text editors.
Complete the Software and Data Storage lab.
This document is in PDF form, you can download it from the
You need Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to read the document.
A free download of the software is available at Adobe.
The lab was created to complement your textbook.
It will guide students through small-scale activities on Software and Data Storage.
There are some questions scattered throughout the lab but I will not be collecting the answers to these questions.
Some students may find the topics in the lab to be rudimentary; while others may find the lab to be quite beneficial.
Complete what you feel is appropriate for your skill level but keep in mind that the homework assignment that you must submit will include some questions based on the skills learned in this lab.
The first part of assignment is to use local word processor, such as WordPad, or Microsoft Word.
Some answers to the below questions will require that you take a picture of the computer screen and paste it into your document as part of your answer.
Instructions for taking a picture, pasting, resizing and cropping it into your Word Processing document are provided on the Links and Resources page.
Please write answers to the following items into your document:
Each of the below programs should exist on your computer.
Write the hierarchical path for each of the below programs (an example of what I'm looking for as an answer is included on page 5 of the Software and Data Storage Lab).
Internet Explorer
Disk Cleanup
The file in which you're typing your answers must be saved to the hard drive of your computer.
(It should already have been saved, but if you haven't saved it yet, save it now!).
Write the pathname that identifies where you saved the file and what you called it.
(An example of what I'm looking for as an answer is included on page 6 of the Software and Data Storage Lab.
Examine the properties of your homework file.
How large is the file in bytes?
Provide a print-screen image which displays the properties of this file.
Please include only the properties tab.
Use Alt-PrintScreen key combination as opposed to plain PrintScreen to take your picture.
Examine the properties of your hard drive (C:)
How much space is available?
How much space is being used?
What size is the drive?
Provide a print-screen image of the disk's properties to confirm your answers for A through C.
Please include only the properties tab.
Use Alt-PrintScreen as opposed to PrintScreen to take your picture.
When you are done answering the questions, save local copy of your document either in RTF or DOC format.
Attach your file to the email message with the proper email subject line:
CIT11 Homework 2 Part 1
The email must contain your last name (mandatory!) and first name (or at least first name initial), otherwise I will not be able to identify who you are.
Send your email to the instructor: Igor Kholodov
The second part of assignment is to manipulate data using an online word processor in Google.
The data you are going to work with is currently in a document named assignment2.doc
First you should go in to your google account and go to docs & spreadsheets and upload the document.
Then you should make the following changes:
Fix the spelling errors in the document that you just uploaded..
Delete the phase a deeper understanding of information technology from the first paragraph (including the s).
Add the words "which met in Washington, DC" after "National Research Council" in the first paragraph.
Copy the phrase "A professor of computer Science at the University of Washington" from the first paragraph to the second paragraph right after the words "Lawrence Snyder". Fix any problems you see resulting from the copy.
Find and replace the words "500-pound gorilla" with "elephant in the living room".
Make elephant in the living room have an Arial Black font and a color of red.
Underline Chronicle of Higher Education
Change the order of the paragraph: The paragraph that start with "Think of fluency " and the paragraph that starts with When asked
Count the number of words in the article and enter a comment telling me the number.
Save local copy of your Google document in PDF format.
Attach your file to the email message with the proper email subject line:
CIT11 Homework 2 Part 2
The email must contain your last name (mandatory!) and first name (or at least first name initial), otherwise I will not be able to identify who you are.
Send your email to the instructor: Igor Kholodov
Good luck!