CIT-11 Home
Read Chapter 3 in Fluency with Information Technology.
This chapter deals with the basics of networking.
Please also read:
If you are looking for an interesting, but basic, explanation of how the Internet works, go through the short lessons at Intel:
Read the following:
Take the following quizzes for a self-check, not a grade!
The quizzes provide additional information on the topics above:
Complete Parts 1 and 2 of the Internet Basics lab.
In part 1, step 2 of the lab you're asked to use an nslookup gateway.
Here's a link to one of the many available lookup gateways available on the web:
You can use this one or find one of your own to complete step 2 of the lab.
I am not collecting the answers to questions presented in the lab, but you will find similar questions in this week's assignment.
There are two assignments to pass in this week.
First, in your own words, provide a clear and understandable explanation for each of the term given below.
The terms are included in this week's readings and lab work.
You should use a combination of the readings and the Internet when answering these questions.
Your answers must be typed into a Word processor table. Use any word processor of your choice.
The table must have 3 columns:
the first column must include the term,
the second must include your explanation, and
the third must include your source.
At least three of your sources must be websites.
When providing the website as your source, include the full URL for the site.
The first row of the table must include appropriate column headings.
(You can use references from my site or ones that you find on your own. The references at my site are on the Links and Resources page on the class website.)
If you need help creating tables, use Microsoft Word's help feature:
click on Help from the menu,
select Microsoft Word Help and then type Creating Tables as your search text.
The terms you need to explain:
Synchronous Communication
DNS Server
IP Packet
In the second part of this week's assignment, I want you to:
set up a blog at
In the blog, write a little about careers you considering.
Include web references to at least three sites that give you information about those careers.
How to submit: you need to send me the address of your blog.