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Read Chapter 4 in Fluency with Information Technology.
This chapter covers HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).
The author includes lots of short examples of html.
Consider entering and testing some of the book's examples: the best way to learn is to try it!
Read these articles about absolute and relative URL paths:
First part of the assignment this week is to
Do some research on the web and find a site that gives a clear and understandable explanation of the following:
Synchronous and asynchronous communication
How IP addresses work including how a domain name gets converted to an IP address
TCP/IP protocol
Networking computers on a Local Area Network
The difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web
File structure
Explain why you decided on the sites you selected.
NOTE: you have one week to complete this part of assignment.
NOTE: you have two weeks to complete this part of the assignment.
The assignment in this chapter requires that you create a web page and post it on the Internet. However, posting it on the Internet is optional part of this assignment.
Consider completing the Basic HTML lab in the textbook. At the completion of this lab you will have created a webpage.
There are LOTS of on-line tutorials for html. If you need more information on html, try googling on html tutorials, you're sure to get lots of hits.
You may find useful some of the following examples of web pages.
You should create two web pages.
You do not have to put them out on the web.
You can test them on your hard drive.
The pages should be created using Notepad and tested in your browser.
Extra credit if you test in more than one browser: simply send me a paragraph with your observations.
Your web pages should include the following features:
head with a title
headers - at least two different ones from h1, h2 etc.
background color
text color
change the font color and size for a particular line or lines
horizontal line
anchor reference to your second page and another back to the first
anchor reference to an HTML tutorial on the web
This part of homework is optional.
Go to Brinkster website at
When you scroll down you will see FREE WEB HOSTING link.
In order to do this you need to create account on their server, which includes a username and a password.
Instructions for logging in, copying files and viewing your webpages are available at Brinkster web site.
NOTE: you don't have to use Brinkster: if you have another server where you have access to publish your HTML pages, do it there.
See which method applies to you:
If you posted your web pages on a web server, send me the URL of your website for review.
If you created local HTML files on your computer, put them in one folder on your hard drive, ZIP them into a single zip archive, and attach the zip archive to your email.