CIT-11 Home
Reading: Chapter 9 from the textbook.
In our ever changing world of technology, individuals will inevitably have to teach themselves how to use various tools and/or programs.
This week I want you to research blogs and wikis.
Learn about them. Teach yourself how to use one. You will be required to create a blog as part of this week's assignment.
You can use or any other blog site for the assignment.
This week's homework has you do some web research to learn about various computer terms, concepts and components.
You can find your own sites or use the sites available on the Links and Tutorials page in the How Computers Work, Hardware, Building a Computer and Operatng System sections of the document.
Use the Internet to learn about blogs and wikis.
Answer the following questions:
What is a blog?
What is a wiki?
List some of the differences between the two.
Why might someone create and use a blog?
Why might someone create and use a wiki instead of a blog?
Use (or another blog site) to setup your own blog.
You are required to post the answer to one of the above questions from this assignment in your blog.
Post your blog's URL in the Blogs topic on the discussion board of the class website.
View another student's blog you should find a student's blog address on the discussion board.
Post a comment in at least one of the student's blogs and send me the URL to that student's blog.
Note: When posting a url link on the discussion board, include the full url with the protocol prefix http:\\.
This will ensure that it appears as an actual HTML link, as opposed to plain text.
Send me the URL to your blog.
Send me the URLs to blogs of other student(s) where you have made your own comments.