Bristol Community College

Computer Information Systems Department

CIT-73 Home

CIT 73 Object Oriented Concepts

Course Policies

Requirements For A Passing Grade In This Course

Online Exams

There will be an online exam at the end of the fifth week covering the material discussed during the previous five weeks.

An online final exam will be given at the end of the course.

Exam dates and material to be covered on each exam will be posted at least ten days prior to the exam.

Team Project

Team Project is an important component of this course. The project involves research done by a small group of students (ideally 2 students per group). The schedule of project activities and the deliverables will be provided during the third week of classes. Each team of students will give a short (10-15 minutes) presentation in class or post a pre-recorded online media.

Written papers must be submitted to the instructor prior to the scheduled presentation. Additional review sessions can be arranged to provide instructor's feedback for an in-class presentation.

The presentation shall articulate and promote software design concepts in a clear, well-organized manner. Teams are required to use Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams in presentation materials.

Using PPT slides and other media to accompany oral presentation is highly encouraged. You may include pre-recorded fragments of audio or video messages accessible via PPT slides or the web. The media content can be uploaded and made available to the world via the course website.

Class Email Addresses

I need your email address within the first week of the class. I will create an email list which will be used to send important notes and announcements. If your address is not on the that list, you cannot receive this info.

Weekly Study Guides

Study guides that summarize the important material that you should study and research each week are available on the course web site at the end of each lecture handout. Follow the course outline to locate this info.

Homework Assignments

Grading and Evaluation Criteria

Homework Assignments will be graded using the following weights:

English/Grammar 25%
Content 25%
Accuracy 25%
Appearance 25%

Weights for Final Grade Determination:

Homework Avg 50%
Hour Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%

Final Grades will be assigned as follows:

97 - 100 A+
93 - 96 A
90 - 92 A-
87 - 89 B+
83 - 86 B
80 - 82 B-
77 - 79 C+
73 - 76 C
70 - 72 C-
67 - 69 D+
63 - 66 D
60 - 62 D-
Below 60 F

Teaching Methodology

The class web page samples, the study guide that references the textbook, and the homework assignments are the principal teaching methods that will be used in this course. "Handouts" and other instructor samples will be available on the class web page or will be emailed to each student on the class email list.


Attendance is required "on line" each week. Students should email the instructor each week with their completed homework attached. If homework is not submitted, students should continue to email the instructor each week in order to be marked "present".


The instructor reserves the right to withdraw you from the class after six absences. If you choose to withdraw from the class it is your responsibility to withdraw formally from the class prior to the final withdrawal date. Failure to do so will result in an F grade for the course.

Office Hours

Instructors office hours will be posted on the class web page.

Extra Help

If you need some serious help with a homework assignment or if you need some one-on-one tutoring help to get caught up with the class, you can make an appointment with the instructor.


Plagiarism is not tolerated. Students are expected to take this course to learn, and you cannot learn unless you do the required homework assignments and turn in your own work for credit. Students who violate this rule may receive a penalty of the next lower letter grade or "F" for the course


I look forward to watching you succeed in this class. Please note that we really care about the students that care. Good luck!