Division of Business and Information Management,
Bristol Community College

Word-HW-1: Basic file manipulation


The purpose of this assignment is to experiment with creating and saving documents on your hard drive. You have one week to complete your work.


  1. Download file web page named Address Book and save it on your computer.

  2. Start MS Word application, and open the file that you just saved.

  3. Using MS Word, make some changes to the Address Book entries, as follows:

    1. Add another company to the list of companies. To keep the same document format, copy and paste the paragraph describing "SmartTech" company, then change the company name, phone, and the website.

      IMPORTANT: Make sure to turn on the view of the paragraph marks. If there are empty paragraphs in your document, delete them!

    2. Switch to Outline View. Remove paragraph for "Jay Boyer" in the "People" portion of the document.

    3. Switch back to Normal view. Add another person to the "People" section. Use copy and paste technique that you used when a adding new company.

  4. Save your document. Use File menu, Save As..., and save your work as Microsoft Word (*.doc) document.

  5. Close your document and exit MS Word application.

  6. Open Windows Explorer and find the DOC file you just created. Double-click the file icon, and it should open again in MS Word Application.

  7. Exit MS Word.

  8. Submit your document via e-mail attachment and send it to:
    Igor Kholodov Igor.Kholodov@bristolcc.edu