Division of Business and Information Management,
Bristol Community College

Word-HW-2: Editing Word Document - Executive Summary


The purpose of this assignment is to experiment with the functionality of Microsoft Word.


  1. Imagine that you decided to start your own business. Your assignment is to draft an Executive Summary document, describing some of your ideas and introduce your business. If you already have your own business, the Executive Summary should provide a quick overview of your business' past performance and goals of the future.

  2. Use Microsoft Word to complete this assignment. Start Word and open a blank document.

  3. The document should begin with the name of your company. Use Heading 2 format for the name.

  4. Add "Executive Summary" as a second header in your document. Use Heading 3 format.

  5. The rest of your document should contain a few paragraphs as follows:

    1. Who is going to be the president (or a CEO) of the company?

    2. What products or services the company will provide?

    3. Where is your business located? Simply provide any place where you would want your business to operate. One possibility is that it could be an entirely web-based business, in which case you should think of a suitable internet domain name for your business, such as "www.best-golf-club.com", or something similar.

    4. How much money do you need to get started? Try to explain why, but very briefly. Are you going to take a loan from the bank? If yes, tell the reader how soon do you think the loan could be repaid.

  6. While working with Word, save your document often. Give it a name, for example, "ExecutiveSummary.doc".

  7. When finished typing your text, switch to the Outline view. Change the first line of the document (company name) to Heading 2 format. Change the second line of the document (Executive Summary) to Heading 3 format.

  8. Switch back to the Normal view. Format both of the title headings, so that they appear Center-Aligned.

  9. Select remaining paragraphs of the document. Change the font of the paragraphs to 12 point Arial.

  10. Save you document again. Close the document and exit Word.

  11. Submit your document via e-mail attachment and send it to:
    Igor Kholodov Igor.Kholodov@bristolcc.edu