Division of Business and Information Management,
Bristol Community College
The purpose of this assignment is to experiment with 2-column layout of the document section, insert some graphics and pictures, and play with a few text styles and sizes.
Imagine that you have decided to start your own newspaper publishing business for... toy industry! In this assignment you will use Microsoft Word to create a two-page document that should look like a miniature newspaper when printed in landscape mode on both sides of a single Letter-size sheet of paper.
Use Microsoft Word to complete this assignment. Start Word and open a blank document.
Click File menu, Page Setup, and change the paper orientation to Landscape mode. Also, change all page margin settings to zero. Set check box "2 pages per sheet", and click OK. A warning message will be displayed, asking if you want to fix the margins outside of the printable area. Click Fix button, and then OK again.
Choose a name for your miniature newspaper, the title font and size. Center the name on the page, insert a date, and print a price tag. Your job is to make the printout look like a real paper sold at the news stands on the street.
Insert a document section break after the newspaper title section. It should use a continuous section break type.
Place insertion point in the new section of the document and change the section format to two columns per page. Hint: use the Columns button of the Standard toolbar to choose the desired column setting.
The horizontal ruler will split into two areas, indicating that your page setup is correct.
Content: since you are creating a toy newspaper, the looks are very important! While typing your news articles, you may borrow first paragraph quotes from the brief news aggregations found on popular news sources such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN news. However, you should add the editorial of your own and express your own opinion about each topic.
Images: right click in the browser on a few images that accompany the news, and save them on a local hard drive. You can then insert the images into your document by clicking Insert menu, Picture, From File, and then point to the saved images on your hard drive.
Create s footer for your newspaper and display the page numbers on every page.
Your goal is to create an impression of a real newspaper, so be creative! Make sure that you have enough content to print on all four pages.
If you actually decide to print out a hard copy of the newspaper, remember to change the order of the pages as follows:
This can be done by specifying the above order in the Print dialog, Page range options, Pages: 4, 1, 2, 3.
This will work if your printer supports two-sided printing. Most of the ink-jet printers do not, so you might have to
Clarification: printing of the document is not a requirement of this assignment.
Submit your work via e-mail attachment and send it to:
Igor Kholodov Igor.Kholodov@bristolcc.edu