 * @topic T00315 Apr 18 -- string stream object
 * @brief Program demonstrates <tt>&lt;sstream&gt;</tt> header and <tt>stringstream</tt> class

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    // Our challenge is to construct an SQL statement
    // and plug in parameters dynamically:
        SELECT employee.ID, employee.Name
        FROM   employee
        WHERE  employee.phone = VARPHONE
        and    employee.type = VARTYPE
        and    employee.zipcode = VARZIP

    // Construct variables that contain SQL parameters:
    const char EMPLOYEE_TYPE_INTERN = 'I';
    string varphone = "123-456-7890";
    char vartype = EMPLOYEE_TYPE_INTERN;
    int varzip = 12345;

    // The string that will contain the SQL statement:
    string select_query;

    // Memory buffer that we can use as a stream device:
    stringstream buffer;
        << "SELECT employee.ID, employee.Name\n"
        << "FROM   employee\n"
        << "WHERE  employee.phone = \"" << varphone << "\"\n"
        << "and    employee.type = '" << vartype << "'\n"
        << "and    employee.zipcode = " << varzip << "\n"

    // Extract data from the buffer and store in the string:
    select_query = buffer.str();

    // Display results:
    cout << select_query << '\n';
    return 0;