 * @topic T00262 string input and validation using 2 source files
 * @brief input and validation functions are defined here

This is our second source file, besides the main file.

In this file we DEFINE functions that were DECLARED in
our header file.

// Include our own header file
#include "user_input.h"

// function to validate user input
bool validate_user_input( std::string str )
    // make sure that str is made of only '0' and '1' characters
    int idx = 0;
    int size = str.length();
    for ( ; idx < size; ++idx ) {
        // for every character in the string
        char ch = str[ idx ];      // get character
        if ( ch == '0' ) {         // if zero,
            continue;              // go on
        } else if ( ch == '1' ) {  // if one,
            continue;              // go on
        } else {                   // if anything else,
            return false;          // validation fails
    // no characters other than zero or one were found,
    return true; // validation succeeds

// function to display prompt and get user input
std::string get_user_input( std::string prompt )
    std::cout << prompt; // display prompt
    std::string str;     // create string
    std::cin >> str;     // get user input
    return str;          // return user input