Java Programming I on YouTube:

Introduction to Java Programming

  1. Sample Java Program
  2. The Basics of a Java Program
  3. How to code statements
  4. Valid Java Identifiers
  5. Java Keywords
  6. Illegal Identifiers
  7. Declaring main Method
  8. Public class InvoiceApp
  9. The rules for naming a class
  10. Recommendations for naming a class
  11. How to declare a class
  12. How to declare a variable
  13. Data Types
  14. Primitive Data Types
  15. Integral Data Types
  16. Floating-point data types
  17. Boolean data type
  18. Assignment Operators
  19. Variable Naming Convention
  20. Arithmetic Operators
  21. Arithmetic Operators, cont.
  22. Expressions Mixing int and double
  23. Five arithmetic operators
  24. Order of Precedence
  25. Integral Expressions
  26. Floating-Point Expressions
  27. Mixed Expressions

1. Sample Java Program

2. The Basics of a Java Program

3. How to code statements

4. Valid Java Identifiers

5. Java Keywords

6. Illegal Identifiers

7. Declaring main Method

8. Public class InvoiceApp

9. The rules for naming a class

10. Recommendations for naming a class

11. How to declare a class

12. How to declare a variable

13. Data Types

14. Primitive Data Types

15. Integral Data Types

16. Floating-point data types

17. Boolean data type

18. Assignment Operators

19. Variable Naming Convention

20. Arithmetic Operators

21. Arithmetic Operators, cont.

22. Expressions Mixing int and double

23. Five arithmetic operators

24. Order of Precedence

25. Integral Expressions

26. Floating-Point Expressions

27. Mixed Expressions