Java Programming I on YouTube:
Data types, Math, Integer, Double, BigDecimal, NumberFormat, and loops
- The eight primitive data types
- Using floating-point numbers
- Equality of floating-point numbers
- Scientific Notation
- How to declare and initialize a constant
- Constant Naming Convention
- Arithmetic operators
- Examples of simple assignment statements
- Plain Assignment Examples
- Arithmetic Assignment Operators
- Arithmetic Assignment Examples
- Conditional (? :) Operator
- Precedence of Operators
- Precedence of Operators, cont.
- Order of Precedence Example
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Implicit Casting
- Implicit Casting Examples
- Explicit casting
- Explicit casting examples
- Cast between char and int
- The Math class
- The Math.round method
- The Math.pow method
- The Math.sqrt method
- The Math.max and Math.min methods
- The Math.random method
- Integer and Double
- The Integer class
- The Double class
- Converting primitive types to/from String
- Comparing Strings
- The BigDecimal class
- Financial Calculations
- The BigDecimal class
- Methods of the BigDecimal class
- The RoundingMode and scale
- RoundingMode.HALF_UP
- RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN
- BigDecimal Rounding Demo
- The BigDecimal arithmetic example
- Copying BigDecimals
- Comparing BigDecimals
- Formatting Currency
- The NumberFormat class
- The NumberFormat class, cont.
- The currency format example
- The percent format example
- The number format with one decimal place
- Two NumberFormat methods coded in one statement
- Comparing Strings to null
- Comparing String References
- Logical operators
- Short-Circuit Evaluation
- The syntax of the switch statement
- The switch statement rules
- Switch statement using a character
- Switch statement using an integer
- Switch statement using a string
- Switch fall-through behavior
- The syntax of the do-while loop
- The syntax of the for loop
- A for loop example
- break statement
- The syntax of the labeled break statement
- Labeled break example
- The continue statement
- Labeled continue statement
- Labeled continue example
- static methods
- static method, cont
- static method, cont