Java Programming I on YouTube:

Data types, Math, Integer, Double, BigDecimal, NumberFormat, and loops

  1. The eight primitive data types
  2. Using floating-point numbers
  3. Equality of floating-point numbers
  4. Scientific Notation
  5. How to declare and initialize a constant
  6. Constant Naming Convention
  7. Arithmetic operators
  8. Examples of simple assignment statements
  9. Plain Assignment Examples
  10. Arithmetic Assignment Operators
  11. Arithmetic Assignment Examples
  12. Conditional (? :) Operator
  13. Precedence of Operators
  14. Precedence of Operators, cont.
  15. Order of Precedence Example
  16. Increment and Decrement Operators
  17. Implicit Casting
  18. Implicit Casting Examples
  19. Explicit casting
  20. Explicit casting examples
  21. Cast between char and int
  22. The Math class
  23. The Math.round method
  24. The Math.pow method
  25. The Math.sqrt method
  26. The Math.max and Math.min methods
  27. The Math.random method
  28. Integer and Double
  29. The Integer class
  30. The Double class
  31. Converting primitive types to/from String
  32. Comparing Strings
  33. The BigDecimal class
  34. Financial Calculations
  35. The BigDecimal class
  36. Methods of the BigDecimal class
  37. The RoundingMode and scale
  38. RoundingMode.HALF_UP
  39. RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN
  40. BigDecimal Rounding Demo
  41. The BigDecimal arithmetic example
  43. Copying BigDecimals
  44. Comparing BigDecimals
  45. Formatting Currency
  46. The NumberFormat class
  47. The NumberFormat class, cont.
  48. The currency format example
  49. The percent format example
  50. The number format with one decimal place
  51. Two NumberFormat methods coded in one statement
  52. Comparing Strings to null
  53. Comparing String References
  54. Logical operators
  55. Short-Circuit Evaluation
  56. The syntax of the switch statement
  57. The switch statement rules
  58. Switch statement using a character
  59. Switch statement using an integer
  60. Switch statement using a string
  61. Switch fall-through behavior
  62. The syntax of the do-while loop
  63. The syntax of the for loop
  64. A for loop example
  65. break statement
  66. The syntax of the labeled break statement
  67. Labeled break example
  68. The continue statement
  69. Labeled continue statement
  70. Labeled continue example
  71. static methods
  72. static method, cont
  73. static method, cont