 * @topic T00838 Using DicePair with rollSeries() Nov 10 2015
 * @brief Die class
package diceroll;

public class Die {
    static final int DEFAULT_SIDE_COUNT = 6;
    private int dieSideCount;
    private int faceValue;

    // constructors
    public Die()
        dieSideCount = DEFAULT_SIDE_COUNT;
        roll(); // immediately roll

    public Die( int dieSideCount )
        this.dieSideCount = dieSideCount;
        roll(); // immediately roll

    // the user wants to set the face value
    public Die( int dieSideCount, int faceValue )
        this.dieSideCount = dieSideCount;
        // TODO -- verify that the faceValue is valid
        this.faceValue = faceValue;

    int getSideCount()
        return dieSideCount;
    public int roll()
        faceValue = 1 + (int) ( Math.random() * dieSideCount );
        return faceValue;
}//class Die