/* * @topic T01725 Map, HashMap, TreeMap, Map.Entry * @brief Main driver */ package wk12assoccontainers; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.TreeMap; public class MainApp { public static Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String,Integer> word2number = new TreeMap<String,Integer>(); // Populate map with some values: word2number.put("one",1); word2number.put("two",2); word2number.put("three",3); word2number.put("four",4); word2number.put("five",5); for(;;) { // use the map String input = Validator.getString( sc, "enter one/two/three "); if ( input.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")) { break; } if ( word2number.containsKey(input) ) { int value = word2number.get(input); System.out.println("The value is ["+ value + "]"); } else { System.out.println("Sorry, [" + input + "] not found" ); } } // print the contents of the map System.out.println("Map contains:"); for( Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : word2number.entrySet() ) { String myKey = entry.getKey(); int myValue = entry.getValue(); System.out.println(myKey + " = " + myValue ); } }//main }//class MainApp