/* * @topic T00915 Car Inventory Sample * @brief Car class, constructor, setters and getters for each attribute */ package CIS157; public class Car { private String make; private int year; private String type; private double cost; //************************************************************* // The Constructor public Car(String m, int y, String t, double c) { make = m; year = y; type = t; cost = c; } //************************************************************* public void setMake(String m) { make = m; } //************************************************************** public void setYear(int y) { year = y; } //************************************************************* public void setType(String t) { type = t; } //************************************************************* public void setCost(double c) { cost = c; } //************************************************************* public String getMake() { return make; } //************************************************************* public int getYear() { return year; } //************************************************************* public String getType() { return type; } //************************************************************* public double getCost() { return cost; } //************************************************************* }//class Car