/* * @topic T01905 ArrayList of Rectangle objects v.2 * @brief Main driver: ArrayList as method parameter and as a return type */ package pckg; // import java.util.ArrayList; public class SquaresDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Rectangle> rectList = getRectangles(); // returns an ArrayList object System.out.println("There are " + rectList.size() + " squares in the list\n"); displayRectangles( rectList ); } //******************************************************************** public static ArrayList<Rectangle> getRectangles() { ArrayList<Rectangle> rectList = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(); for ( int idx = 1; idx <= 5; idx++ ) { rectList.add( new Rectangle( idx, idx ) ); } return rectList; } //********************************************************************** public static void displayRectangles(ArrayList<Rectangle> rectList) { for ( int idx = 0; idx < rectList.size(); ++idx ) { Rectangle rect = rectList.get( idx ); rect.displayRectangle(); System.out.println(); } } }