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The purpose of this assignment is to write a simple text editor app using FLTK classes
Fl_Button // New, Open, and Save Fl_Text_Editor // multi-line editor box Fl_Text_Buffer // text editor data buffer Fl_Native_File_Chooser // native file chooser dialog Fl_Output // status line display
The user can open and save a file, as well as clear the text area by clicking New:
The status line at the bottom of the window should display the file path and name. When the user clicks New, or when the application is just getting started, the path is blank and the file name is unknown.txt. When the user clicks Open... or Save... the program should display the standard file chooser dialog.
You must submit the entire project in a single ZIP file.
Importtant! Before creating your ZIP archive:
Delete Debug, Release, and ipch subfolders.
Delete the .SDF file.
Log on to CIS-255 online
On the Main Menu, follow the link to Submit Homework, select Project 3: Simple text editor, and upload your file.
Note: the system will display an 8-digit confirmation number once the file is successfully uploaded. You can save the confirmation number for your own records, but this is not a required step and no further action is needed on your part.