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FLUID ( ) is a is a graphical editor that generates FLTK source code for programs with Graphical User Interface. FLUID allows to interactively and visually design your GUI interface.
A note to students:
This lab provides a high-level overview of FLUID and discusses common GUI programming principals shared by multiple programming languages and platforms.
Most of the code in this lab is a throw-away work: things will be done differently in the future. Next programs we write should be better structured and saved in multiple source files.
Our strategy is to keep each Lab as a separate project under c255labs\labs.
Making a copy:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your Lab 1 subdirectory, c255labs\labs\c255_lab01_intro.
Delete Debug, Release, and ipch folders.
Delete c255_lab01.sdf file.
Make a copy of Lab 1 folder.
Renaming the new project:
Rename new folder as c255labs\labs\c255_lab02_fluid.
Open c255labs\labs\c255_lab02_fluid\c255_lab01.sln in Visual Studio. (You can double-click the .SLN file name in Windows Explorer to open it automatically.)
Click menu
View -> Solution Explorer
In Solution Explorer, right-click the solution and rename it as c255_lab02.
Right-click the project name and rename it as c255_lab02.
Under "Source Files", Right-click on c255_lab01_main.cpp and rename it as c255_lab02_main.cpp.
Compiling and testing:
Save everything by CTRL+SHIFT+S.
Build and run the program. Everything should compile and run without a problem.
Saving your work:
Click menu
Buiid -> Clean Solution
Exit Visual Studio.
Save your work at c255labs top-directory level. Before saving, remeber to delete Debug, Release, and ipch folders from every project you worked on, as well as the .SDF files. This will save you time and megabytes of space on your hard drive.
Start fluid.exe program (or fluidd.exe if you made a debug build.)
Use FLUID menu
to create a new project.
Use FLUID menu
to create a function.
Use default name make_window().
(If you leave the name blank, FLUID will assume that you want main() to organize your application window.)
Select the function in the tree view (officially called "FLUID browser window") and use menu
Select (in the tree view) the function you just added.
Use FLUID menu
to add our main application window as follows:
set window name, e.g. win_app. This will create
extern Fl_Window *win_app;
declaration in the generated header file.
We can also resize the window in its design view.
Double-click on the window name to open the window properties. You can make the window resizable in the GUI properties.
Note: the property window is officially called the "widget attribute panel" in FLTK documentation.
Optional: FLUID can add main() function for you if function name is left blank:
The body of main() can be added by
For example,
int main() { Fl_Window* win = make_window(); win->show(); // NOTE: do not add this line -- FLUID appends it automatically: //return Fl::run(); }
In our lab we already have main(). To create a window, we need to call make_window() generated for us by FLUID:
// Adjust .H file name and path according to your FLUID project location: #include "../fluid_project/lab2_fluid_window.h" int main() { Fl_Window* win = make_window(); win->show(); return Fl::run(); }
Create a separate subdirectory for the FLUID project:
Click FLUID menu
File / Save
to save FLUID project. This writes a text file with extension .fl on disk. For example, lab2_fluid_window.fl.
To generate C++ source code for our program, click FLUID menu
File/Write code
This creates two source files in FLUID project directory -- project_name.h and project_name.cxx.
Once FLUID code is written into project_name.h and project_name.cxx, we need to make them part of our project.
Open c255labs\labs\c255_lab02_fluid\c255_lab01.sln in Visual Studio. Click Visual Studio menu
View -> Solution Explorer
Right-click "Source Files", then
Add -> Existing Item...
Select FLUID-generated .CXX file lab2_fluid_window.cxx. Note: we don't need to add the header file lab2_fluid_window.h to the project, because it is already #included by the source file.
Remember to modify c255_lab02_main.cpp to display the window:
#include "../fluid_project/lab2_fluid_window.h" // Use standard main to have console background: int main() { Fl_Double_Window* win = make_window(); win->show(); return Fl::run(); }
Build and test your application.
Select Window win_app object in the tree view. Use FLUID menu
Name this input box inp_box in the Properties/C++
Note: if you add a callback function to the input box control, it is invoked when the following two conditions are met:
the input box loses its input focus, and
the input box data has changed.
Select Window win_app object in the tree view. Use FLUID menu
This creates a display-only text box, but user can select the content and copy.
Name this output box out_box in the Properties/C++
Select Window win_app object in the tree view.
To create a push button, use FLUID menu
or right-click on the design window and select "Button" from the menu.
To add a callback, select the button, open
and type
Callback: callback_button
If we want our button to do something useful, we need to attach a callback function to our button. To do this bring up Fl_Button property window by double-clicking on the button in the design window. Switch to C++ tab of the dialog box and type in the name for the callback function: callback_button (no parameters, just the name alone.)
Select the make_window() function in the tree view.
Use menu
and enter the name of the callback function again,
Name(arg): callback_button( Fl_Widget* widg, void* userdata ) Return type: static void
The callback_button function is invoked when user pushes the button. We specify the return type of this function as static void because callbacks must be static (more on this in our second tutorial.)
Now we need to add some custom code to the callback function. To do that, select callback_button function in the tree and use menu
to add C++ code to the function:
std::cout << "button click\n"; char const* text = inp_box->value(); out_box->value( text );
Select the callback function in the project tree and hit F2 to move the function to the top of the tree, so it is declared above main() or make_window(). Because we are using std::cout, we need to include iostream header in our program. To do this, select main function in the project tree and then click
New / Code / Declaration
and type
#include <iostream>
Hit F2 to move the declaration to the top of the program.
We can also add callback function for the window itself. To do this, select Window win_app in the tree view, and double-click on the window to open the properties/C++ tab.
Add callback function
This callback will be invoked when the user clicks the X button to close the window.
Follow previous steps to add the callback. For example,
void callback_window_closing(Fl_Widget* widg, void* userdata_) { std::cout << "X button clicked -- exiting the program\n"; exit( 0 ); }
Note that this code "traps" the "X" button, so if you do not call exit(), the function will do nothing except printing the message.
Note also that a cleaner way to exit the app is
instead of exit(0). The Fl_Window::hide call removes the window from the screen and quits the application in case if this was the last visible window in the application. Perhaps even a better way to exit is to form a loop:
while( Fl::first_window() ) Fl::first_window()->hide(); }
The loop makes sure all windows hide, ensuring that Fl::run() returns and all destructors are called properly.
If using the exit() call, it is asking the operating system to terminate our program immediately. To keep things in proper order, we should include cstdlib header for it to compile safely. We can do it by copying and pasting the existing #include. The new #include can be moved to the top by hitting the F2 key a few times. Similarly, we can bring to the top the callback_window_closing() function if we would like it to be defined before other funtions in the source file.
Open the properties editor by double-clicking the button on the design window. Select GUI tab and change the label to "Get data".
It may be also helpful to specify the tooltip which will appear at run-time when the mouse hovers on top of the button.
Another helpful setting is to change the properties of the window to resizable.
For the button, we can also specify the name of the control itself, to specify the name for the widget object. For example, we can type
or something similar. The name of the widget is declared at the top of the C++ program, in the global scope.
Providing callbacks with additional "user data" is beneficial when multiple buttons invoke a single callback function.
In such case each button supplies a unique piece of data to the callback event.
The user data can be
a number, like (void*)123
a string, like "this is a test"
or any piece of C++ expression that can be cast to a void pointer
If it's a string, add it as a double-quoted string literal, for example,
To accept the second argument, we need to make sure the signature uses the second parameter,
callback_button( Fl_Widget* widg, void* userdata )
and add code that does something with the data:
const char* message = userdata; std::cout << "button click " << message;
If we test the application, we should see the message processed by the callback function.
If passing an integer, the callback function has to cast the value from void* to integer:
int value = (int) userdata;
This is a bit ugly, but we have absolutely no choice, because the callbacks are managed by the operating system, and this is the way data is managed at the OS level.
The user data can be useful when the program wants to attach the same callback function to multiple buttons, so the data can identify which widget invokes the callback. Another example is associating the same callback with different menus.
Select Window win_app object in the tree view.
Use menu
New/Buttons/Round button
and change properties/C++ class type from Normal to Radio.
Add callback named cb_radio.
Add user data in properties/C++. Use integers, for example, (void*)10, (void*)20, and (void*)30.
Add 2 more radio buttons (tip: once you add one radio button, you can then copy and paste the rest.)
Create a group for these 3 radio buttons:
Select all three radio buttons in the project tree view by using shift/down-arrow keys.
Hit F7.
Follow the usual steps to create a callback function.
Since user data that identifies each radio button is of integer type, we must cast the void* to int:
void cb_radio(Fl_Widget* btn, void* userdata) { std::cout << "radio" << (int)userdata << '\n'; }
To add a menu to our window, select Window win_app object in the tree view, and use menus
New/Menus/Menu_Bar... New/Menus/Submenu... -- name your submenu "File" New/Menus/MenuIem... -- name your submenu item "Save" New/Menus/MenuIem... -- name your submenu item "Quit"
( You can also click on the window designer, then right-click and choose same options from the context menu.)
The menu bar first appears in the window as a small rectangle, so it needs to be dragged to the top of the window and resized appropriately accross the top of our application window. When a submenu is added to the menu bar, its properties window is displayed, so we can switch to the GUI tab and change the submenu label.
Note that submenu is added by selecting the menu bar, and the menu items are added when the correspecting submenu is selected. Alternatively, we can duplicate the existing menu item in the project tree by selecting it and then hitting CTRL+C, CTRL+V to copy and paste the new menu item. As before, bring the menu item properties by double-clicking on it, and change the label as needed.
Adding callback function to the menu items can be done by selecting multiple menu items in the project tree and hitting F1 key. This brings the properties window, where the callback function is specified on the C++ tab. For example,
Callback: callback_menu
When passing the user data when the menu items are clicked, one item can pass "File/Save", another - "File/Exit". To test these strings and determine which menu has been invoked, we could add another input box to the window, name it txt_menu_test, and add code such as
const char* previous = txt_input->value(); // to get the value txt_menu_test->value("changed"); // to change the input
The code demonstrates how to read or write the contents of the text box on the input form.
Alternatively, the Quit submenu could be attached to the existing callback_window_closing function, so it can also close the applicaiton window and exit.
A tutorial using FLUID 1.1.5
Beginner FLTK Tutorial
Programming with FLUID
FLTK Video Tutorials
Erco's FLTK Cheat Page
Official FLTK 1.3.2 Documentation
The following FLUID v 1.3.0 project ( fltk_fluid_sandbox.fl ) demonstrates complete steps of this lab:
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Here is the FLUID-generated code:
// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0300 #ifndef fltk_fluid_sandbox_h #define fltk_fluid_sandbox_h #include <FL/Fl.H> #include <FL/Fl_Window.H> extern Fl_Window *win_app; #include <FL/Fl_Input.H> extern Fl_Input *inp_code; #include <FL/Fl_Button.H> extern Fl_Button *btn_code; #include <FL/Fl_Output.H> extern Fl_Output *out_code; #include <FL/Fl_Menu_Bar.H> #include <FL/Fl_Group.H> #include <FL/Fl_Round_Button.H> Fl_Window* make_window(); extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_[]; void cb_code(Fl_Widget* inp_, void*userdata); void cb_btn_get_code(Fl_Widget* inp_, void* userdata_); void cb_win_callback(Fl_Widget* inp_, void* userdata_); void cb_radio(Fl_Widget* btn, void* userdata); #endif
// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0300 #include "fltk_fluid_sandbox.h" static const int TEN = 10; static const int TWENTY = 20; static const int THIRTY = 30; Fl_Window *win_app=(Fl_Window *)0; Fl_Input *inp_code=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Button *btn_code=(Fl_Button *)0; Fl_Output *out_code=(Fl_Output *)0; Fl_Menu_Item menu_[] = { {"File", 0, (Fl_Callback*)cb_win_callback, 0, 64, FL_NORMAL_LABEL, 0, 14, 0}, {"Quit", 0, (Fl_Callback*)cb_win_callback, 0, 0, FL_NORMAL_LABEL, 0, 14, 0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} }; /** new/code/function-method */ Fl_Window* make_window() { std::cout << "make_window()"; { win_app = new Fl_Window(320, 243, "MY WINDOW"); win_app->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_win_callback); { inp_code = new Fl_Input(60, 36, 75, 24, "Data:"); inp_code->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_code, (void*)("input")); } // Fl_Input* inp_code { btn_code = new Fl_Button(15, 70, 70, 25, "Get data"); btn_code->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_btn_get_code); } // Fl_Button* btn_code { out_code = new Fl_Output(210, 70, 75, 25, "Read-only data"); } // Fl_Output* out_code { Fl_Menu_Bar* o = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, 320, 20); o->menu(menu_); } // Fl_Menu_Bar* o { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(50, 117, 155, 68); { Fl_Round_Button* o = new Fl_Round_Button(50, 117, 155, 18, "ten"); o->type(102); o->down_box(FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_radio, (void*)(10)); } // Fl_Round_Button* o { Fl_Round_Button* o = new Fl_Round_Button(50, 140, 155, 20, "twenty"); o->type(102); o->down_box(FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_radio, (void*)(20)); } // Fl_Round_Button* o { Fl_Round_Button* o = new Fl_Round_Button(50, 165, 155, 20, "thirty"); o->type(102); o->down_box(FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_radio, (void*)(30)); } // Fl_Round_Button* o o->end(); } // Fl_Group* o win_app->end(); win_app->resizable(win_app); } // Fl_Window* win_app return win_app; } void cb_code(Fl_Widget* inp_, void*userdata) { std::cout << "cb_code\n" << (char const*)userdata; } /** callback from "get code" button */ void cb_btn_get_code(Fl_Widget* inp_, void* userdata_) { char const* text = inp_code->value(); out_code->value( text ); } /** callback from "get code" button */ void cb_win_callback(Fl_Widget* inp_, void* userdata_) { std::cout << "X button clicked -- exiting the program\n"; exit( 0 ); } void cb_radio(Fl_Widget* btn, void* userdata) { std::cout << "radio" << (int)userdata << '\n'; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Fl_Window* win = make_window(); win->show(); return Fl::run(); }