Course list

Lab 3: FLUID Window Class

  1. Description
  2. Copying Visual Studio Project
  3. Using FLUID to create a C++ class
  4. Getting Started with FLUID Project
  5. Adding CFluidWindow class
  6. Adding the class constructor
  7. Adding the window
  8. Testing what we have so far
  9. Adding FLUID-generated .CXX to Visual Studio Project
  10. How to submit


Copying Visual Studio Project

Using FLUID to create a C++ class

Getting Started with FLUID Project

Adding CFluidWindow class

Adding the class constructor

Adding the window

Testing what we have so far

Adding FLUID-generated .CXX to Visual Studio Project

  1. Open Visual Studio project and add file fluid_project/CFluidWindow.cxx to the list of source files.

  2. Create CDemoWindow.h under project source directory

  3. Copy and paste the following code into the file:

    // CDemoWindow.h
    #include "../fluid_project/CFluidWindow.h"
    class CDemoWindow : public CFluidWindow {
        void show()
            // Make the window visible:
    };//class CDemoWindow
  4. Modify c255_lab03_main.cpp as follows:

    // main.cpp
    #include "CDemoWindow.h"
    int main()
        CDemoWindow window;;
        return Fl::run();
  5. Compile and test the program.


How to submit