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In this lab we create a C++ class to control and manipulate a GUI window. This allows us to better organize the program and learn various aspects of C++ object-oriented programming.
Once again, our strategy is to keep each Lab as a separate project under c255labs\labs.
The prototype for this exercise is Lab 1, c255labs\labs\c255_lab01_intro.
Open Windows Explorer and make a copy of Lab 1 subfolder. Prior to anything, delete Debug, Release, and ipch folders, as well as c255_lab01.sdf file.
Make a copy of Lab 1 and rename it as c255labs\labs\c255_lab03_win_class.
Open c255labs\labs\c255_lab03_win_class\c255_lab01.sln in Visual Studio. (You can double-click the .SLN file name in Windows Explorer to open it automatically.)
In Solution Explorer, rename solution name as c255_lab03.
Rename project name as c255_lab03.
Rename c255_lab01_main.cpp as c255_lab03_main.cpp.
Save everything by CTRL+SHIFT+S.
Build and run the program. Everything should compile and run without a problem.
To save your work,
Clean the solution by
Build -> Clean Solution
Exit Visual Studio, or close the solution by
File -> Close Solution
Save your work at c255labs top-directory level. Before saving, remeber to delete .SDF files, Debug, Release, and ipch folders from any project you worked on.
FLUID can create C++ classes that represent a GUI window, its widgets, and the callback functions to handle user interaction.
In this Lab, FLUID generates code for the CFluidWindow class, while our own class, CDemoWindow, provides callback functions for the widgets:
FLUID creates a complete C++ class to handle user interface, including class constructor and other member functions. As before, the code is written in a header file (.H) and implementation file (.CXX):
CFluidWindow.h CFluidWindow.cxx
FLUID saves the project in a file with extension .fl. It is best to keep the files managed by FLUID in a dedicated subdirectory. Create fluid_project subdirectory under your C++ project directory:
Start FLUID program:
Use FLUID menu
to create a new project.
Save the project by clicking
File/Save As
Point to fluid_project folder and save the project as CFluidWindow.fl.
Define a class by clicking FLUID menu
Name the class CFluidWindow and leave the subclass blank.
Once added, the CFluidWindow class becomes visible in the FLUID browser window.
You can view the C++ code for the FLUID project by clicking
Edit/Show Source Code
Select CFluidWindow class in the project tree.
Add a new function by selecting FLUID menu
FLUID understands that we want a constructor when the function name is the same as the class name, so we enter
Make sure you declare the constructor public.
Note that if you need a constructor that requires some arguments, you can enter them with the parameter list an the parenteses as usual. For example:
CFluidWindow( type1 param1, type2 param2, ... )
In most cases, the default constructor is all that's needed.
FLUID recognizes the class constructor and generates the appropriate code.
Select the CFluidWindow constructor in FLUID project tree, and add a window by clicking
Resize the window, double-click to open the window properties, switch to C++ tab, and enter the window name, e.g. win_app in the Name: field.
Save the project.
To generate C++ code, click FLUID menu
to save the project.
File/Write code...
to generate the C++ source files in fluid_project directory. As before, the two files are project_name.h and project_name.cxx.
Open Visual Studio project and add file fluid_project/CFluidWindow.cxx to the list of source files.
Create CDemoWindow.h under project source directory
Copy and paste the following code into the file:
// CDemoWindow.h #ifndef _CDEMOWINDOW_H_INCLUDED_ #define _CDEMOWINDOW_H_INCLUDED_ #include "../fluid_project/CFluidWindow.h" class CDemoWindow : public CFluidWindow { public: void show() { // Make the window visible: win_app->show(); } };//class CDemoWindow #endif // _CDEMOWINDOW_H_INCLUDED_
Modify c255_lab03_main.cpp as follows:
// main.cpp #include "CDemoWindow.h" int main() { CDemoWindow window;; return Fl::run(); }
Compile and test the program.
This is a self-learning lab. There are no files to submit. Make sure to complete all required steps to build and test the project on your own home computer.