// @topic T070m11d07x10 class DString -- copy constructor, destructor, assignment op
// @brief class DString declaration

// DString.h

#include <iostream>

class DString {
    // friends of this class have access to all private members of this class:
    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& cout, DString const& str );
    friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& cin, DString& str );

    // data members
    static const size_t INITIAL_CAPACITY = 1;
    char* m_array;
    size_t m_length; // logical length of the string
    size_t m_capacity; // current capacity of the object

    // constructors, assignment, and destructor
    DString( char const* pstr );
    DString( DString const& another ); // copy constructor
    DString const& operator=( DString const& another );


    // operations
    size_t length() const;
    size_t capacity() const;
    void allocate( size_t capacity );

};//class DString

std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& cout, DString const& str );
std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& cin, DString& str );