Course List:
- Java Multi-Threading Functionality
- Discussion and further reference
- Typical uses for threads
- Creating threads
- Thread -- Runnable -- Object
- Two ways to create a thread
- The life cycle of a thread
- Thread states
- The Thread class
- Common methods of the Thread class
- Creating a thread
- Example: Creating a thread
- IOThread -- thread class example
- Sample output for the IOThread example
- Creating a thread implementing Runnable interface
- Example: IOTask class implementing the Runnable interface
- Starting Runnable interface thread example
- Thread interruption
- Thread interruption - InterruptedException
- Thread interruption - manual checks
- Example: interrupting a thread
- Example: Counter class gets interrupted
- Example: Counter class sample output
- The synchronized keyword
- The synchronized methods example
- The syntax for creating a synchronized method
- A synchronized method that increments an instance variable
- Synchronized blocks in instance methods
- Object class methods for inter-thread communication
- Example: wait() -- notifyAll()
- Thread setPriority method
- Setting thread priority example
- Example: Order Queue application
- Sample output from the Order Queue application
- Classes used by the Order Queue application
- Order Queue sequence diagram
- Further reading