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- See also: CIS-157 Java Samples
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- ________________________________________________________
- Posted Jan 6 :
- Please be sure to read carefully CIS-257 course Syllabus and understand its policies and formats.
- BCC Student Handbook Tip: "For each hour in class, you should expect to study at least 2-3 hours outside of class. Know your limits, avoid over scheduling yourself (whether it be work or class). Set up a schedule that you know will allow you to earn good grades. And, maintain a day planner to help you stay organized."
The course addresses software development using advanced object-oriented concepts and JAVA. It covers concurrency and synchronization issues and advanced topics of the object paradigm such as inheritance and polymorphism. It introduces the programming of graphics using JAVA Swing classes and examines File Streams and I/O Processing in detail. It compares the procedural paradigm with the object paradigm. It also addresses issues of programming with multiple processes and programming of systems with exception-handling capabilities. These concepts are introduced in the context of developing software using software tools, including libraries of components. Three class hours and two lab hours per week. Approximately 3-5 hours per week of computer time are required to complete the programming assignments (4 credits.)
Prerequisite: CIS-157 or permission of the instructor.
Instructor: Igor Kholodov
Office: K211
Telephone: 508-678-2811 ext. 3328
At the completion of this course the student will be able to:
understand the principals of the object-oriented programming
learn concepts of programming by contract
design and implement classes of objects
use inheritance and polymorphism
create applications using graphical user interface
implement recursive algorithms and understand recursive programming
Specific goals to meet these objectives include:
learning how to work with packages
understanding the concept of an interface
understanding the principals of exception handling
understanding the use of closely related classes and enumerations
learning how to work with Java Swing classes
learning how to work with text files, binary files, random access files, I/O sockets and networking
grasping the principals of concurrency, synchronization, and mutual exclusion
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CIS-157 material review
Dates, Strings and the StringBuilder Class - Ch 13
Inheritance - Ch 8
Interfaces - Ch 9
Other object-oriented programming skills - package - JAR files - nested classes - javadoc - enumerations - Ch 10
Object-Oriented Programming Skills
Exceptions - Ch 14
GUI Swing forms - Ch 15
Intro to Java Swing Forms
NetBeans GUI Builder, controls, and events
Controls and event handlers - Ch 16
Event Listeners, Layout Managers, Event Handling
Custom 2D rendering with Graphics object
Custom 2D rendering animation
Custom 2D rendering and mouse events
Custom 2D NetBeans project demo (includes all of the exercises above):
Custom 2D rendering with MVC architecture
Text and binary files - Ch 18
Multithreading - Ch 22
Custom 2D rendering animation
Applets - Ch 17
Working with XML - Ch 19
Database programming intro - Ch 20
JDBC and databases - Ch 21
Application deployment - Ch 23
___________Final Exam___________
I encourage any student in need of accommodations for a specific
documented disability to meet with me and the Office of Disability
Services (L109, 508-678-2811--Fall River, ext. 2955; Attleboro, ext.
2996; New Bedford, ext. 4011) at your earliest convenience to ensure
timely and appropriate accommodations. You may also contact the Office
of Disability Services online at
The lecture will be the principal teaching method used in this course. "Handouts" and sample programs will be available on the class web page. Class discussions will be conducted pertaining to the Lab assignments before and after. Software demos and overhead slides will be used.
If you need some serious help with a homework assignment or if you need some one-on-one tutoring help to get caught up with the class, you can make an appointment with the instructor. Appointments can be arranged via e-mail or during class breaks. Half hour time slots are available for that purpose. Simple questions or assistance can be obtained through instructor's e-mail.
This syllabus is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0122636. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Note: This syllabus is a suggested course outline and will be generally followed, subject to change according to the instructor's discretion and needs. Academic flexibility is important.