CIS-257 Home:

CIS-257 Object-Oriented Java Programming II
Bristol Community College
Computer Information Systems Department
Spring 2020

  1. Bulletin
  2. Catalog Description
  3. Course Objectives
  4. Recommended Textbook
  5. Course Outline
  6. Disability Accommodations
  7. Teaching Methodology
  8. Extra Help

Catalog Description

Course Objectives

Recommended Textbook

    Murach Java Programming
  • TITLE: Murach's Java Programming

  • AUTHOR: Murach

  • EDITION: 4th

  • PUBLISHER: Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.

  • ISBN: 9781890774653

Course Outline

  1. CIS-157 material review

  2. Dates, Strings and the StringBuilder Class - Ch 13

  3. Inheritance - Ch 8

  4. Interfaces - Ch 9

  5. Other object-oriented programming skills - package - JAR files - nested classes - javadoc - enumerations - Ch 10

  6. Exceptions - Ch 14

  7. GUI Swing forms - Ch 15


  8. Controls and event handlers - Ch 16

  9. Text and binary files - Ch 18

  10. Multithreading - Ch 22

  11. Applets - Ch 17

  12. Working with XML - Ch 19

  13. Database programming intro - Ch 20

  14. JDBC and databases - Ch 21

  15. Application deployment - Ch 23

        ___________Final Exam___________


Disability Accommodations

Teaching Methodology

Extra Help