CIS-261 Home

Introduction to x86 Assembly Language

  1. Advantages of High-Level Languages
  2. Why program in Assembly ?
  3. Here is why...
  4. Speed, Efficiency, Debugging, Optimization...
  5. Why MASM ?
  6. Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language
  7. Materials on the Web
  8. Useful books, in no particular order
  9. Fundamental Concepts
  10. Software Environment
  11. Runtime Environment
  12. M1.ASM
  13. Assembly and C Code Compared
  14. More Assembly and C Code
  15. Assembly vs. Machine Language
  16. Controlling Program Flow
  17. Conditional Jumps
  18. General-Purpose Registers
  19. Typical Uses of General-Purpose Registers
  20. x86 Registers
  21. x86 Registers, Cont
  22. x86 Control Registers
  23. MOV, Data Transfer Instructions
  24. Ambiguous MOVes: PTR and OFFSET
  25. INC and DEC Arithmetic Instructions
  26. ADD Arithmetic Instruction
  27. ADD vs. INC
  28. SUB Arithmetic Instruction
  29. SUB vs. DEC
  30. CMP instruction
  31. Unconditional Jumps
  32. Conditional Jumps
  33. Conditional Jumps, Cont
  34. Conditional Jumps, Cont
  35. LOOP Instruction
  36. Logical Instructions
  37. Logical Instructions, Cont.
  38. Shift Instructions
  39. SHL and SHR Shift Instructions
  40. Shift Instructions Examples
  41. Rotate Instructions
  42. ROL and ROR, Rotate Without Carry
  43. RCL and RCR, Rotate With Carry
  44. EQU directive
  45. EQU Directive Syntax