CIS-261 Home
Introduction to x86 Assembly Language
- Advantages of High-Level Languages
- Why program in Assembly ?
- Here is why...
- Speed, Efficiency, Debugging, Optimization...
- Why MASM ?
- Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language
- Materials on the Web
- Useful books, in no particular order
- Fundamental Concepts
- Software Environment
- Runtime Environment
- M1.ASM
- Assembly and C Code Compared
- More Assembly and C Code
- Assembly vs. Machine Language
- Controlling Program Flow
- Conditional Jumps
- General-Purpose Registers
- Typical Uses of General-Purpose Registers
- x86 Registers
- x86 Registers, Cont
- x86 Control Registers
- MOV, Data Transfer Instructions
- Ambiguous MOVes: PTR and OFFSET
- INC and DEC Arithmetic Instructions
- ADD Arithmetic Instruction
- ADD vs. INC
- SUB Arithmetic Instruction
- SUB vs. DEC
- CMP instruction
- Unconditional Jumps
- Conditional Jumps
- Conditional Jumps, Cont
- Conditional Jumps, Cont
- LOOP Instruction
- Logical Instructions
- Logical Instructions, Cont.
- Shift Instructions
- SHL and SHR Shift Instructions
- Shift Instructions Examples
- Rotate Instructions
- ROL and ROR, Rotate Without Carry
- RCL and RCR, Rotate With Carry
- EQU directive
- EQU Directive Syntax