CIS-261 Home
Data Types and Memory Allocation
- Integer Data Types
- Allocating Memory for Integer Variables
- Data Organization: DB, DW, and EQU
- Endianness: Byte Ordering in Computer Memory
- Little Endian Example
- Big and Little Endian
- Data Allocation Directives
- Abbreviated Data Allocation Directives
- Multi-byte Definitions
- Symbol Table
- Correspondence to C Data Types
- Data Allocation Directives, Cont.
- Size of an Integer
- Integer Formats
- Data Allocation Directives for Uninitialized Data
- Working with Simple Variables, PTR operator
- Copying Data Values
- The MOV Instruction
- More MOV Instruction Types
- XCHG Instruction, Exchanging Integers
- The XCHG Examples
- Memory-to-memory exchange
- BSWAP Instruction Swap Bytes
- Extending Signed and Unsigned Integers
- Sign Extending Signed Value
- Sign Extending Unsigned Value
- Sign Extending with MOVSX and MOVZX
- The XLATB Instruction