CIS-261 Home

Language Components of MASM and General-Purpose Registers

  1. General-Purpose Registers
  2. Typical Uses of General-Purpose Registers
  3. ESP Stack Pointer Register
  4. EIP Instruction Pointer Register
  5. EFLAGS Register
  6. EFLAGS Bit Labels
  7. EFLAGS Individual Bit Flags
  8. Write Fast Code
  9. Language Components of MASM
  10. Data-Related Operators and Directives
  11. Identifiers
  12. Integer Constants
  13. EQU Directive and Symbolic Integer Constants
  14. TYPE, LENGTHOF and SIZEOF Operators
  15. masm_operators.ASM
  16. Operand Addressing Mode Types
  17. Register Operands
  18. Immediate Operands
  19. The OFFSET Operator and LEA Instruction
  20. More about LEA Instruction
  21. Ambiguous moves: PTR directive
  22. OFFSET and PTR Example
  23. ADDR and OFFSET
  24. Direct Memory Operands
  25. Plus, Minus, and Index
  26. Directives BYTE PTR, WORD PTR, DWORD PTR
  27. Pointers
  28. Pointer Types
  29. NEAR Pointers
  30. The TYPEDEF Operator