CIS-261 Home

Microsoft Visual C++ Development Environment

  1. Creating New Project
  2. Project Type, Name, and Location
  3. Project Wizard Dialog
  4. Project Wizard Application Settings
  5. Empty Project Directory Structure
  6. Download M1.ASM source File
  7. Solution Explorer
  8. Adding .ASM Source File to the Project
  9. Matching Custom Build Rules
  10. Adding Sample Code
  11. Building Program
  12. Project Directory Structure
  13. Changing Project Options
  14. Assembling and Linking From the Command Line
  15. OllyDbg Debugger for Microsoft Windows
  16. Debugging M1.EXE with OllyDbg
  17. Debugging M1.EXE with OllyDbg, Cont.

1. Creating New Project

2. Project Type, Name, and Location

3. Project Wizard Dialog

4. Project Wizard Application Settings

5. Empty Project Directory Structure

6. Download M1.ASM source File

7. Solution Explorer

8. Adding .ASM Source File to the Project

Solution Explorer Solution Explorer

9. Matching Custom Build Rules

10. Adding Sample Code

11. Building Program

12. Project Directory Structure

13. Changing Project Options

14. Assembling and Linking From the Command Line

15. OllyDbg Debugger for Microsoft Windows

16. Debugging M1.EXE with OllyDbg

17. Debugging M1.EXE with OllyDbg, Cont.