CIS-261 Home
- CALL and RET Instructions
- The PROC Procedures
- Defining Procedures
- PROC Directive Format
- Passing Arguments on the Stack
- __cdecl, the C-style calling convention
- PASCAL-style and STDCALL calling conventions
- C-style Procedure Call Example
- Calling Conventions Summary
- PASCAL-style Procedure Stack Maintenance
- C-style Caller and Callee Summary
- STDCALL Caller and Callee Summary
- FASTCALL Caller and Callee Summary
- Parameter Declarations
- ENTER and LEAVE commands
- The RET Instruction
- Declaring Parameters with the PROC Directive
- Pointer Arguments
- Local Variables and EBP, Base Pointer Access to Stack
- Automated Local Variables
- The LOCAL directive
- Local Variable Initialization
- Procedure Prototypes
- PROTO Directive
- Prototype Structure
- Calling Procedures with INVOKE
- Passing an Address Argument