CIS-261 Home


  1. CALL and RET Instructions
  2. The PROC Procedures
  3. Defining Procedures
  4. PROC Directive Format
  5. Passing Arguments on the Stack
  6. __cdecl, the C-style calling convention
  7. PASCAL-style and STDCALL calling conventions
  8. C-style Procedure Call Example
  9. Calling Conventions Summary
  10. PASCAL-style Procedure Stack Maintenance
  11. C-style Caller and Callee Summary
  12. STDCALL Caller and Callee Summary
  13. FASTCALL Caller and Callee Summary
  14. Parameter Declarations
  15. ENTER and LEAVE commands
  16. The RET Instruction
  17. Declaring Parameters with the PROC Directive
  18. Pointer Arguments
  19. Local Variables and EBP, Base Pointer Access to Stack
  20. Automated Local Variables
  21. The LOCAL directive
  22. Local Variable Initialization
  23. Procedure Prototypes
  24. PROTO Directive
  25. Prototype Structure
  26. Calling Procedures with INVOKE
  27. Passing an Address Argument