CIS-261 Home:

CIS-261 Introduction to Computer Systems
Bristol Community College
Computer Information Systems Department
Fall 2019

  1. Bulletin
  2. Recommended Text
  3. Course Outline
  4. Reference Materials

Recommended Text

    Murach Java Programming
  • Authors: Sanjay J. Patel, Yale Patt

  • Title: Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond.

  • See also: Student Resources

  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 2004.

  • ISBN-13: 9780072467505

  • ISBN-10: 0072467509

Course Outline

  1. Number systems, Bits, Data Types, and Operations.

  2. Digital Logic Structures

  3. Memory and Sequential Logic Circuits

  4. The Von Neumann Model

  5. Introduction to x86 Assembly Language

  6. Instruction Set Architecture Design

  7. Language Components of MASM

  8. Data Types and Memory Allocation

  9. Controlling Program Flow

  10. Modes of Memory Addressing on x86 and Logical Segments

  11. CPU Flags and Data Manipulation

  12. Memory Protection, Paging, and Memory Model Directives

  13. Instruction Operand Addressing on x86

  14. The Program Stack and Procedures

  15. Final Project Review


Reference Materials