CIS-261 Home

Introduction to Computer Systems

  1. Why use machine language?
  2. The Concepts
  3. Zeros and Ones
  4. Central Processing Unit
  5. Computer System
  6. Universal Computational Device
  7. Turing Thesis
  8. Natural language description of a problem
  9. The Algorithm
  10. The Program
  11. The Instruction Set Architecture
  12. Addressing Modes
  13. Compiler
  14. The Microarchitecture
  15. The Logic Circuit
  16. Logic Devices

1. Why use machine language?

2. The Concepts

3. Zeros and Ones

4. Central Processing Unit

  • The CPU can manipulate sequences of zeroes and ones.

  • Computer programs are executed by the processor.

  • 1980's processor board:

      1980's processor board

5. Computer System

  • Computer system is a combination of

    • CPU,

    • memory,

    • peripheral devices,

    • and software.

  • Computers are universal computational devices:

    • anything that can be computed, can be computed by a computer with enough memory and time.

  • 1998, microprocessor:

      1998, microprocessor

6. Universal Computational Device

  • Idea belongs to Alan Turing.

  • He proposed that all computations could be carried out by a particular kind of machine.

  •   black box models of Turing machines

7. Turing Thesis

  • Every computation can be performed by some Turing machine.

  •   black box model of universal Turing machine

8. Natural language description of a problem

9. The Algorithm

10. The Program

11. The Instruction Set Architecture

12. Addressing Modes

13. Compiler

  • A program that translates from a high-level language to the ISA is called a compiler.

  • Many compilers typically exist on each hardware/software platform for various programming languages.

  • Translation from a high-level languages is specific to a particular CPU architecture and OS.

  • Assembly language programs are translated by a program called assembler.

  • GCC compiler:

      GCC compiler

14. The Microarchitecture

15. The Logic Circuit

16. Logic Devices