CIS-261 Home

Lab M11. Integer Arithmetic Part 2: Extended Precision Techniques

  1. Lab Description
  2. Multiplication Instructions
  3. Integer Multiplication and Division
  4. MUL Instruction
  5. MUL Example
  6. IMUL Instruction
  7. IMUL Examples
  8. DIV Instruction
  9. DIV Examples
  10. Signed Integer Division
  11. CBW, CWD, CDQ Instructions
  12. The IDIV Instruction
  13. Divide Overflow
  14. Extended Precision Addition and Subtraction
  15. ADC Instruction, Add with Carry
  16. ADC Instruction, Cont,
  17. ADC Examples
  18. SBB Instruction, Integer Subtraction with Borrow
  19. SBB Instruction, Cont
  20. Assignment: Adding 64-bit and Subtracting 96-bit Integers