// @topic W020101 Bitwise operators and masks
// @brief examples of <tt>&amp; | ~ &lt;&lt;</tt> operators

// bitwise_ops.cpp
int main()
    unsigned int bits = 3; // 011 -- user input
    unsigned int mask = 1; // 001 -- binary mask

    // How many bits does int have?
    unsigned int bit_length = sizeof( unsigned int ) * 8;

    // Move "1" from the lowest to the highest bit in the mask,
    // using the shift left operator:
    mask = ( mask << ( bit_length - 1 ) );

    // How to clear bits specified by the mask?
    bits = bits & ~mask; // bitwise AND (&) and NOT (~) operators
    bits &= ~mask;       // same using arithmetic assignment

    // How to set bits specified by the mask?
    bits = bits | mask;  // bitwise OR (|) operator
    bits |= mask;        // same using arithmetic assignment

    // How to test if ANY of the bits are set?
    if ( bits & mask ) { // bitwise AND (&) operator
        // yes, some bits are set
    } else {
        // no, none of them is set

    // How to test if ALL of the specified bits are set?
    if ( ( bits & mask ) == mask ) {
        // yes, all bits are set to "1"
    } else {
        // no, not all of them are set

    return 0;