Course list

MIPS Assembly Language Overview

  1. MIPS
  2. MIPS Assembly language
  3. MIPS Assembly language, cont.
  4. Common uses of assembly
  5. Computer Architecture
  6. Data representation
  7. Data representation, cont.
  8. Two's complement representation
  9. Sign extension
  10. Overflow detection
  11. Endianness
  12. Assembly program template
  13. Parts of the syntax
  14. Assembly program example
  15. How to write in Assembly
  16. MIPS register names and conventions
  17. Integer logic and arithmetic
  18. Immediate instructions
  19. Integer Multiplication
  20. Integer Division
  21. Using registers
  22. Data segment declarations
  23. Sequential declarations of strings and integers
  24. Reserving space
  25. Reading from data memory
  26. Writing to data memory
  27. C expression and Assembly example
  28. Example adding three numbers
  29. Basic addressing mode
  30. Pseudo-addressing modes
  31. Sub-word addressing mode
  32. Reading sub-word example
  33. Writing sub-word data
  34. System calls
  35. Bitwise logic operations
  36. Bitwise examples
  37. Bitwise not vs. logical not
  38. Logical expressions
  39. Logical expression example 1
  40. Logical expression example 2
  41. Flow control
  42. Conditional jumps
  43. Conditional jump example 1
  44. Conditional jump example 2
  45. while loop example
  46. Stack in MIPS assembly
  47. Register-type instructions
  48. Immediate-type instructions
  49. Jump-type instructions
  50. Pipelining
  51. Pipelining - laundry room analogy
  52. MIPS Instruction pipelining
  53. MIPS Instruction pipeline example
  54. Pipeline Hazards


2. MIPS Assembly language

3. MIPS Assembly language, cont.

4. Common uses of assembly

5. Computer Architecture

6. Data representation

7. Data representation, cont.

8. Two's complement representation

9. Sign extension

10. Overflow detection

11. Endianness

12. Assembly program template

13. Parts of the syntax

14. Assembly program example

15. How to write in Assembly

16. MIPS register names and conventions

17. Integer logic and arithmetic

18. Immediate instructions

19. Integer Multiplication

20. Integer Division

21. Using registers

22. Data segment declarations

23. Sequential declarations of strings and integers

24. Reserving space

25. Reading from data memory

26. Writing to data memory

27. C expression and Assembly example

28. Example adding three numbers

29. Basic addressing mode

30. Pseudo-addressing modes

31. Sub-word addressing mode

32. Reading sub-word example

33. Writing sub-word data

34. System calls

35. Bitwise logic operations

36. Bitwise examples

37. Bitwise not vs. logical not

38. Logical expressions

39. Logical expression example 1

40. Logical expression example 2

41. Flow control

42. Conditional jumps

43. Conditional jump example 1

44. Conditional jump example 2

45. while loop example

46. Stack in MIPS assembly

47. Register-type instructions

48. Immediate-type instructions

49. Jump-type instructions

50. Pipelining

51. Pipelining - laundry room analogy

52. MIPS Instruction pipelining

53. MIPS Instruction pipeline example

54. Pipeline Hazards