BCC Computer Information Systems http://cisweb.bristolcc.edu/
Here is your second Excel Spreadsheet Assignment, the Doctor Appointments worksheet.
Your task is to create an appointment spreadsheet for a small doctor's practice as follows:
Make spreadsheet title
using a different font;
using a different size;
using a colored background;
make it bold and italics;
the title should be centered;
the title should be in a merged cell.
Next, there should be at least 4 doctors with the schedule of 20 minute visits. For example,
Thus, the columns are for the 4 doctors.
Each doctor should have the first and last name wrap in a cell (not shown in the sample.)
Time slots for appointments are located in the leftmost column of the spreadsheet.
The actual patient appointment times are entered on the resulting grid.
Each entry for the patient's appointment must include patient's name and contact info. Both must fit in a single cell as shown in the sample above.
Use a formula to count the number of patients that each doctor saw in a day.
Hint: Excel function COUNTA calculates the number of counting non-blank cells in a given range of cells. For example, the sample above uses formula =COUNTA(B3:B9) to compute the number of visits for doctor Scott.
Highlight the doctor who saw the most patients with one color and the doctor that saw the least number of patients in another color. Try using Excel conditional formatting feature to make the highlighting work automatically.
Based on the number of patients each doctor saw, use a formula to estimate how many patients they would see per week.
If the cost of a visit is $100, how much will each doctor bring in over the week? (Again, use a formula to make your calculation.)
Assuming the doctor saw this particular number of patients per week, use a formula to estimate how much would they bring in during a 50-week year.
All computations must use formulas -- pre-calculated and hardcoded numbers will not be accepted for grading.
That is -- I should be able to add or delete a visit in your grid schedule and see the changes instantly reflected in the total numbers of your spreadsheet.
All dollar amounts should be formatted in currency.
Submit your spreadsheet using CIT-121 online website.