Course list

NTFS File System Overview

  1. NTFS
  2. NTFS Features
  3. NTFS Principals
  4. NTFS Principals, cont.
  5. NTFS Transactions, Compression, and Encryption
  6. NTFS File Names and Permissions
  7. NTFS Metrics and Limitations
  8. NTFS Predecessors - FAT12
  9. NTFS Predecessors - FAT16
  10. NTFS Predecessors - FAT32
  11. NTFS Predecessors - HPFS
  12. NTFS, finally
  13. NTFS Partition Boot Sector
  14. NTFS Boot Sector bytes
  15. Master File Table
  16. Master File Table Structure
  17. Master File Table Principals
  18. MFT Zone
  19. NTFS system files
  20. NTFS system files, cont.
  21. MFT Entries
  22. MFT Entry Format
  23. MFT Attributes
  24. MFT Attribute types
  25. Typical MFT Attributes
  26. Attribute Headers
  27. Attribute Types
  28. Resident Unnamed Attribute Type
  29. Resident Named Attribute Type
  30. Non-Resident Unnamed Attribute Type
  31. Non-Resident Named Attribute Type
  33. The $STANDARD_INFORMATION DOS permissions
  34. NTFS Timestamps
  35. The $ATTRIBUTE_LIST Attribute
  36. The $FILE_NAME Attribute
  37. The $OBJECT_ID Attribute
  38. The $SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Attribute
  39. The $VOLUME_NAME Attribute
  40. The $VOLUME_INFORMATION Attribute
  41. The $DATA Attribute
  42. Runlists
  43. The $INDEX_ROOT Attribute
  44. The $INDEX_ALLOCATION Attribute
  45. The $BITMAP Attribute
  46. The $REPARSE_POINT Attribute
  47. Symbolic Links
  48. Reparsing Feature
  49. The $EA_INFORMATION and $EA Attributes
  50. The $LOGGED_UTILITY_STREAM Attribute
  51. The $MFTMirr
  52. $LogFile
  53. NTFS Transaction Example
  54. $Volume
  55. $AttrDef
  56. Windows XP $AttrDef Example
  57. NTFS Root Directory
  58. NTFS Directories
  59. NTFS Directory Attributes
  60. The $Bitmap
  61. The $Boot
  62. The $BadClus
  63. The $Secure
  64. The $UpCase
  65. The $Extend
  66. The $ObjID
  67. The $Quota
  68. Disk Quotas
  69. The $Reparse
  70. NTFS Volume Reparse (Mount) Points
  71. The $UsnJrnl
  72. The Recycle Bin
  73. Deleting from Command Prompt
  74. Alternate Data Streams
  75. NTFS Data Streams
  76. Alternate Data Streams, cont.
  77. NTFS Compressed Files
  78. NTFS Compresion Details
  79. Files with Zeroes
  80. NTFS Encrypting File System (EFS)
  81. NTFS Encryption and CHNTPW
  82. CHNTPW Boot Example
  83. EFS Basic Usage
  84. EFS Best Practices
  85. EFS Recovery for Lost Private Key
  86. EFS Details
  87. NTFS Volume Shadow Copy
  88. Windows Volume Shadow Copy Usage
  89. Clearing the Restore Point History
  90. NTFS Single Instance Storage


2. NTFS Features

3. NTFS Principals

4. NTFS Principals, cont.

5. NTFS Transactions, Compression, and Encryption

6. NTFS File Names and Permissions

7. NTFS Metrics and Limitations

8. NTFS Predecessors - FAT12

9. NTFS Predecessors - FAT16

10. NTFS Predecessors - FAT32

11. NTFS Predecessors - HPFS

12. NTFS, finally

13. NTFS Partition Boot Sector

14. NTFS Boot Sector bytes

15. Master File Table

16. Master File Table Structure

17. Master File Table Principals

18. MFT Zone

19. NTFS system files

20. NTFS system files, cont.

21. MFT Entries

22. MFT Entry Format

23. MFT Attributes

24. MFT Attribute types

25. Typical MFT Attributes

26. Attribute Headers

27. Attribute Types

28. Resident Unnamed Attribute Type

29. Resident Named Attribute Type

30. Non-Resident Unnamed Attribute Type

31. Non-Resident Named Attribute Type




34. NTFS Timestamps

35. The $ATTRIBUTE_LIST Attribute

36. The $FILE_NAME Attribute

37. The $OBJECT_ID Attribute


39. The $VOLUME_NAME Attribute


41. The $DATA Attribute

42. Runlists

43. The $INDEX_ROOT Attribute

44. The $INDEX_ALLOCATION Attribute

45. The $BITMAP Attribute

46. The $REPARSE_POINT Attribute

47. Symbolic Links

48. Reparsing Feature

49. The $EA_INFORMATION and $EA Attributes


51. The $MFTMirr

52. $LogFile

53. NTFS Transaction Example

54. $Volume

55. $AttrDef

56. Windows XP $AttrDef Example

57. NTFS Root Directory

58. NTFS Directories

59. NTFS Directory Attributes

60. The $Bitmap

61. The $Boot

62. The $BadClus

63. The $Secure

64. The $UpCase

65. The $Extend

66. The $ObjID

67. The $Quota

68. Disk Quotas

69. The $Reparse

70. NTFS Volume Reparse (Mount) Points

71. The $UsnJrnl

72. The Recycle Bin

73. Deleting from Command Prompt

74. Alternate Data Streams

75. NTFS Data Streams

76. Alternate Data Streams, cont.

77. NTFS Compressed Files

78. NTFS Compresion Details

79. Files with Zeroes

80. NTFS Encrypting File System (EFS)

81. NTFS Encryption and CHNTPW

82. CHNTPW Boot Example

83. EFS Basic Usage

84. EFS Best Practices

85. EFS Recovery for Lost Private Key

86. EFS Details

87. NTFS Volume Shadow Copy

88. Windows Volume Shadow Copy Usage

89. Clearing the Restore Point History

90. NTFS Single Instance Storage