Course list:

The FAT File System

  1. FAT Overview
  2. FAT Example
  3. Boot Sector, FAT, Root Directory, and Files
  4. FAT File System Layout
  5. FAT12 FAT16 FAT32 Layouts Compared
  6. FAT Clusters and Sectors
  7. FAT, Slack, and Unallocated Space
  8. Where is the First FAT Cluster?
  9. Boot Sector
  10. FAT Boot Sector, bytes 0-35 (FAT12/16 and FAT32)
  11. FAT Boot Sector (FAT12/16)
  12. FAT12 Boot Sector
  13. Boot Sector Interpretation
  14. Capacity of this Medium
  15. Sector Assignments
  16. Root Directory
  17. Root Directory Entries
  18. Root Directory Entry Format (SFN)
  19. Root Directory Example
  20. Sample Root Directory Entry
  21. Another Sample Root Directory Entry
  22. FATs Compared
  23. FAT12 File Allocation Table
  24. Interpreting FAT12
  25. FAT12 Contents
  26. Formatting a Floppy
  27. Formatted Floppy Data Structures
  28. Allocating A New File
  29. Deleting A File
  30. For More Information...