<<< Master Boot Record, the MBR     Index     DOS Partitions >>>

3. MBR Structure

  • Primary Partition(s) (up to 3)

    • Active YES/NO

    • Logical Drive (volume) C:

    • Optional volumes D: and E:

  • Optional Extended Partition, aka Primary Extended Partition:

    • Logical Drive D:

    • Logical Drive E:...

    • ...through Z: may be assigned.

  • Each Logical Drive (volume),
    such as C:, contains(*)

    • OS Boot sector (program)

    • FAT

    • Root directory

    • Files and Subdirectories

  • ______________________

  • (*) Logical drive is not part of the MBR.

<<< Master Boot Record, the MBR     Index     DOS Partitions >>>