Course list:

Disk Partitions and Drive Lettering

  1. Hard Drive Overview
  2. Master Boot Record, the MBR
  3. MBR Structure
  4. DOS Partitions
  5. MBR Partitions
  6. MBR Format
  7. MBR Example with Two Partitions
  8. MBR and Partition Table Entries
  9. Disk Layout Example
  10. Boot Code
  11. Extended Partitions
  12. Six Partitions Example
  13. Drive Letters
  14. Assigning Drive Letters
  15. Drive Letter Assignment Example
  16. File Systems Recognized by DOS and Windows
  17. Disk Operating System, DOS
  18. Windows 9x/Me
  19. UNIX
  20. Linux
  21. OS/2
  22. Mac OS
  23. Apple Partitioning System
  24. Other Partition Types
  25. GPT Partitions
  26. GPT Partitions, cont.
  27. GPT Partitions, cont.
  28. What an Operating System Does
  29. Partitions and Logical Drives Summary