CIS-260 Home

Software Design Patterns

  1. Design Pattern C++ Samples
  2. Creational Patterns
  3. Abstract Factory
  4. Abstract Factory Requirements
  5. Abstract Maze Factory Sample
  6. Abstract Maze Factory Sample, cont.
  7. Abstract Factory UML Example
  8. Abstract Factory Benefits
  9. Abstract Factory Structure
  10. Builder
  11. Builder Sample I, Maze Game
  12. Builder Sample II, Pizza Restaurant
  13. Difference between Builder and Factory Pattern
  14. Factory Method
  15. Prototype
  16. Prototype Structure
  17. Prototype Sample
  18. Singleton
  19. Singleton Collaboration with Clients
  20. Singleton Implementation Considerations
  21. Singleton Sample
  22. Singleton Related Patterns
  23. Structural Patterns
  24. Adapter
  25. Adapter UML Diagram
  26. Adapter Sample
  27. Adapter Implementation
  28. Abstract Adapter
  29. Bridge
  30. Bridge Sample
  31. Composite
  32. Composite UML Diagram
  33. Composite Sample
  34. Composite Benefits and Disadvantages
  35. Decorator
  36. Decorator Sample
  37. Decorator Sample, cont.
  38. Decorator Benefits and Disadvantages
  39. Facade
  40. Proxy
  41. Proxy UML
  42. Proxy Collaboration
  43. Proxy Types
  44. Virtual Proxy Sample
  45. Proxy Benefits
  46. Discussion of Structural Patterns
  47. Discussion of Structural Patterns, cont.
  48. Behavioral Patterns
  49. Command
  50. Command Sample
  51. Command Sample, cont.
  52. Iterator
  53. Iterator Structure
  54. Iterator Sample
  55. Null Iterator
  56. Iterator Summary
  57. Memento
  58. Memento Structure
  59. Memento Implementation
  60. Observer
  61. Observer Structure
  62. Observer Usage
  63. Observer Sample
  64. Observer Sample, cont.
  65. Visitor
  66. Visitor, cont.
  67. Visitor Structure
  68. Visitor Benefits
  69. Visitor Sample
  70. Patterns and You
  71. Conclusion