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BT Bit Test (386+)

Flags affected:

        O D I T S Z A P C  OF: Overflow flag  TF: Trap flag AF: Aux carry
        F F F F F F F F F  DF: Direction flag SF: Sign flag PF: Parity flag
                        *  IF: Interrupt flag ZF: Zero flag CF: Carry flag

Legal forms:

        BT r16,r16    386+
        BT m16,r16    386+
        BT r32,r32    386+
        BT m32,r32    386+
        BT r16,i8     386+
        BT m16,i8     386+
        BT r32,i8     386+
        BT m32,i8     386+


        BT AX,CX
        BT [BX+DI],DX
        BT AX,64
        BT EAX,EDX
        BT ECX,17


BT copies a single specified bit from the left operand to the Carry flag, where it can be tested or fed back into a quantity using one of the shift/rotate instructions. Which bit is copied is specified by the right operand. Neither operand is altered by BT.

When the right operand is an 8-bit immediate value, the value specifies the number of the bit to be copied. In BT AX,5, bit 5 of AX is copied into CF. When the immediate value exceeds the size of the left operand, the value is expressed modulo the size of the left operand. That is, because there are not 66 bits in EAX, BT EAX,66 pulls out as many 32s from the immediate value as can be taken, and what remains is the bit number. (Here, 2.) When the right operand is not an immediate value, the right operand not only specifies the bit to be tested but also an offset from the memory reference in the left operand. This is complicated. See a detailed discussion in a full assembly language reference.

        r8 = AL AH BL BH CL CH DL DH        r16 = AX BX CX DX BP SP SI DI
        sr = CS DS SS ES FS GS              r32 = EAX EBX ECX EDX EBP ESP ESI EDI
        m8 = 8-bit memory data              m16 = 16-bit memory data
        m32 = 32-bit memory data            i8 = 8-bit immediate data
        i16 = 16-bit immediate data         i32 = 32-bit immediate data
        d8 = 8-bit signed displacement      d16 = 16-bit signed displacement
        d32 = 32-bit unsigned displacement

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