CIS-77 Home

CIS-77 - Brief x86 Instruction Set Reference

  1. Notes on the Instruction Set Reference
  2. AAA Adjust AL after BCD Addition
  3. ADC Arithmetic Addition with Carry
  4. ADD Arithmetic Addition
  5. AND Logical AND
  6. BT Bit Test (386+)
  7. CALL Call Procedure
  8. CLC Clear Carry Flag (CF)
  9. CLD Clear Direction Flag (DF)
  10. CMP Arithmetic Comparison
  11. DEC Decrement Operand
  12. IMUL Signed Integer Multiplication
  13. INC Increment Operand
  14. INT Software Interrupt
  15. IRET Return from Interrupt
  16. J? Jump on Condition
  17. JCXZ Jump If CX = 0
  18. JECXZ Jump If ECX = 0
  19. JMP Unconditional Jump
  20. LEA Load Effective Address
  21. LOOP Loop until CX/ECX = 0
  22. LOOPNZ/LOOPNE Loop While CX/ECX > 0 and ZF = 0
  23. LOOPZ/LOOPE Loop While CX/ECX > 0 and ZF = 1
  24. MOV Move (Copy) Right Operand into Left Operand
  25. NEG Negate (Two's Complement; i.e., Multiply by −1)
  26. NOP No Operation
  27. NOT Logical NOT (One's Complement)
  28. OR Logical OR
  29. POP Pop Top of Stack into Operand
  30. POPA Pop All 16-Bit Registers (286+)
  31. POPF Pop Top of Stack into Flags
  32. POPFD Pop Top of Stack into EFlags (386+)
  33. PUSH Push Operand onto Top of Stack
  34. PUSHA Push All 16-Bit GP Registers (286+)
  35. PUSHAD Push All 32-Bit GP Registers (386+)
  36. PUSHF Push 16-Bit Flags onto Stack
  37. PUSHFD Push 32-Bit EFlags onto Stack (386+)
  38. RET Return from Procedure
  39. ROL Rotate Left
  40. ROR Rotate Right
  41. SBB Arithmetic Subtraction with Borrow
  42. SHL Shift Left
  43. SHR Shift Right
  44. STC Set Carry Flag (CF)
  45. STD Set Direction Flag (DF)
  46. STOS Store String
  47. SUB Arithmetic Subtraction
  48. XCHG Exchange Operands
  49. XOR Exclusive Or