<<< STC Set Carry Flag (CF) | Index | STOS Store String >>> |
O D I T S Z A P C OF: Overflow flag TF: Trap flag AF: Aux carry F F F F F F F F F DF: Direction flag SF: Sign flag PF: Parity flag * IF: Interrupt flag ZF: Zero flag CF: Carry flag
STD simply asserts the Direction flag (DF) to the set (1) state. This affects the adjustment performed by repeated string instructions such as STOS, SCAS, and MOVS. Typically, when DF = 0, the destination pointer is increased, and decreased when DF = 1. DF is set to 0 with the CLD instruction.
r8 = AL AH BL BH CL CH DL DH r16 = AX BX CX DX BP SP SI DI sr = CS DS SS ES FS GS r32 = EAX EBX ECX EDX EBP ESP ESI EDI m8 = 8-bit memory data m16 = 16-bit memory data m32 = 32-bit memory data i8 = 8-bit immediate data i16 = 16-bit immediate data i32 = 32-bit immediate data d8 = 8-bit signed displacement d16 = 16-bit signed displacement d32 = 32-bit unsigned displacement
<<< STC Set Carry Flag (CF) | Index | STOS Store String >>> |