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RET Return from Procedure

Flags affected:

        O D I T S Z A P C  OF: Overflow flag  TF: Trap flag AF: Aux carry
        F F F F F F F F F  DF: Direction flag SF: Sign flag PF: Parity flag
            <none>         IF: Interrupt flag ZF: Zero flag CF: Carry flag

Legal forms:

        RET i8
        RETN i8
        RET i16
        RETF i16


        RET 12H
        RETF 117H


There are two kinds of returns: Near and Far, where Near is within the current code segment and Far is to some other code segment. Ordinarily, the RET form is used, and the assembler resolves it to a Near or Far return opcode to match the procedure definition's use of the NEAR or FAR specifier. Specifying RETF or RETN may be done when necessary.

RET may take an operand indicating how many bytes of stack space are to be released on returning from the procedure. This figure is subtracted from the stack pointer to erase data items that had been pushed onto the stack for the procedure's use immediately prior to the procedure call.

The RETF and RETN forms are not available in Microsoft's MASM prior to V5.0!

        r8 = AL AH BL BH CL CH DL DH        r16 = AX BX CX DX BP SP SI DI
        sr = CS DS SS ES FS GS              r32 = EAX EBX ECX EDX EBP ESP ESI EDI
        m8 = 8-bit memory data              m16 = 16-bit memory data
        m32 = 32-bit memory data            i8 = 8-bit immediate data
        i16 = 16-bit immediate data         i32 = 32-bit immediate data
        d8 = 8-bit signed displacement      d16 = 16-bit signed displacement
        d32 = 32-bit unsigned displacement

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