Chapter 5 Data Types and Addressing Modes. Describes the data types and addressing
modes recognized by the processor.
Chapter 6 Instruction Set Summary. Gives an overview of all the IA instructions except
those executed by the processors floating-point unit. The instructions are presented in function-
ally related groups.
Chapter 7 Floating-Point Unit. Describes the IA floating-point unit, including the floating-
point registers and data types; gives an overview of the floating-point instruction set; and
describes the processors floating-point exception conditions.
Chapter 8 Programming with Intel MMX Technology. Describes the Intel MMX
technology, including MMX registers and data types, and gives an overview of the MMX
instruction set.
Chapter 9 Programming with the Streaming SIMD Extensions. Describes the Intel
Streaming SIMD Extensions, including the registers and data types.
Chapter 10 Input/Output. Describes the processors I/O architecture, including I/O port
addressing, the I/O instructions, and the I/O protection mechanism.
Chapter 11 Processor Identification and Feature Determination. Describes how to deter-
mine the CPU type and the features that are available in the processor.
Appendix A EFLAGS Cross-Reference. Summarizes how the IA instructions affect the
flags in the EFLAGS register.
Appendix B EFLAGS Condition Codes. Summarizes how the conditional jump, move, and
byte set on condition code instructions use the condition code flags (OF, CF, ZF, SF, and PF) in
the EFLAGS register.
Appendix C Floating-Point Exceptions Summary. Summarizes the exceptions that can be
raised by floating-point instructions.
Appendix D SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions Summary. Provides the Streaming SIMD
Extensions mnemonics, and the exceptions that each instruction can cause.
Appendix E Guidelines for Writing FPU Exception Handlers. Describes how to design
and write MS-DOS* compatible exception handling facilities for FPU and SIMD floating-point
exceptions, including both software and hardware requirements and assembly-language code
examples. This appendix also describes general techniques for writing robust FPU exception
Appendix F Guidelines for Writing SIMD-FP Exception Handlers. Provides guidelines
for the Streaming SIMD Extensions instructions that can generate numeric (floating-point)
exceptions, and gives an overview of the necessary support for handling such exceptions.