Bristol Community College
Computer Information Systems Department
CIT-73 Home
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- Posted Aug 30:
- Note to students: you need to sign up for CIS-73, Java Programming I, as a co-requisite for this course. To make yourself comfortable with the student option requirements, please be sure to read the course policies.
This course is an introduction to the use of object-oriented concepts for software development. It prepares students for the CIS 73 Object-Oriented Java Programming course. The course concentrates on objects and discusses very little Java syntax. It discusses the object-oriented paradigm in detail with particular emphasis on classes, objects, and the use of objects in user applications and applets. The course introduces encapsulation, inheritance, arrays of objects, and polymorphism. Students learn how to design classes and display the interaction of objects in visual form using the Unified Modeling Language. The course introduces several concepts from procedural programming such as primitive data types, assignment, conditionals, and repetitive loops. Three class hours per week.
Office: K211
Telephone: 508-678-2811 ext. 3328
The student should:
The Object Oriented Thought Process by Matt Weisfeld
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Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).