Abstract Factory Design Pattern Sample Code


Software Specification and Design

Here is a set of programs illustrating Abstract Factory Pattern:
"Class MazeFactory can create components of mazes. It builds rooms, walls, and doors between rooms. It might be used by a program that reads plans for mazes from a file and builds the corresponding maze. Or it might be used by a program that builds mazes randomly. Programs that build mazes take a MazeFactory as an argument so that the programmer can specify the classes of rooms, walls, and doors to construct."
Design Patterns
Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides.
See also:
Sequence Diagram for simple maze
Sequence Diagram for maze with bombs
CIS-75 Software Specification and Design
CIS-62 Object-Oriented Programming in C++

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